Srry to everyone in tis league

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Expand view Topic review: Srry to everyone in tis league


by NHRL Supporter » Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:51 pm

Reef wrote:
tun Sie Sie gehören dieser Liga
Kein tut er nicht, gerade ein Poopkopf
haben Sie ein gutes Wochenende translation. Have a Good Weekend!

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by Reef » Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:31 pm

tun Sie Sie gehören dieser Liga
Kein tut er nicht, gerade ein Poopkopf

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by Petty43 » Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:36 pm

I'm not going to get into a big thing here because i am done with all this silly shit anymore. I plan on watching the entry list for each race in the 8 race mini series. I'm not going to drive with these idiots. What the hell is going around around here? I am from Iowa as it say's below my name. I might change that to hell. It's like a living hell here.

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by NHRL Supporter » Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:54 pm

Michael Duesseldorf wrote:He does deserve a car, however. You see guys, he's a street racer...

From June 29:
this leuge is bull ****somethin about you need a wheel some people use a keyboard and still good if i ever see a oppnet in a race cut me
off they will be sorry :evil: im a strret race we will do any thing to win
So you'd all better heed your rear-view mirrors.
tun Sie Sie gehören dieser Liga

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by Michael Duesseldorf » Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:38 pm

He does deserve a car, however. You see guys, he's a street racer...

From June 29:
this leuge is bull ****somethin about you need a wheel some people use a keyboard and still good if i ever see a oppnet in a race cut me
off they will be sorry :evil: im a strret race we will do any thing to win
So you'd all better heed your rear-view mirrors.

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by Rookiesrock » Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:25 pm

Looks like tofu's house. The kid doesn't deserve a basketball hoop. :badgrin:

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by NHRL Supporter » Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:35 am

Guest wrote:reef im not gonna start a fight and nick gets really pissed off so just f off watch this he he
nascarheatracingleague site ip 66.228.195 lets see does this ip seem familiar New York New York post code 10018
Toku, is your system getting alot of unwanted traffic this morning? HA!!

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by bmxtwins » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:37 am

I have a guess!!!! OOO OOO MAINE! Reef am i right? Ding dong. Lol is that his real house?

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by Reef » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:35 am

Guest wrote:reef im not gonna start a fight and nick gets really pissed off so just f off watch this he he
nascarheatracingleague site ip 66.228.195 lets see does this ip seem familiar New York New York post code 10018
Who the hell lives in NY? I don't, try agian. Now you watch this...

Nice hoop, is that yours?... boo

Pretty low rent part of town, eh?

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by mustangman759 » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:20 am


Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by bmxtwins » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:18 am

Guest wrote:reef im not gonna start a fight and nick gets really pissed off so just f off watch this he he
nascarheatracingleague site ip 66.228.195 lets see does this ip seem familiar New York New York post code 10018
LMFAO reefs thing says he lives in MAINE not new york you noob

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by bmxtwins » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:17 am

We were gonna let you race in our league but since you just totally insulted another league member like that I am now telling you to :wiggle: off and get out of our league. SO BYE! You just pulled the last straw. R Moore/ toku / Amp up/ burningflames. Yer f***ing gone! Bye tata.

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by Guest » Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:33 am

reef im not gonna start a fight and nick gets really pissed off so just f off watch this he he
nascarheatracingleague site ip 66.228.195 lets see does this ip seem familiar New York New York post code 10018

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by SpeedyExiter » Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:10 am

Petty....that was downright disgusting.....(the pic of the infected Toe).....Next time place some pics or bout short video clips of even more disgusting diseases for those of us eating our dinner while browsing thru this forum. Maybe I'll Invest some cash on some paid advertising on late night T.V.and we can show them and claim they will make you lose weght! or at least lose your cookies :-& :-& :-& :-& :-&

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by Reef » Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:34 pm

you're busted you lil piece of shit.


You think you can talk to me this way? You have been reported for internet threatening, source code has been sent. Enjoy.

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by Nightstalker » Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:51 pm

"and i have a device my cpu that tells ip adress for xsample reef or lepage lives in main not gonna give out the res
thats y i can hide mine i may not be smart in school but im a cpu wizard i and it is legal to find the a person ip so if i put it on i can see night stalkers and bmxtwins and mustang witch they do live in the same house "

You have no fucking clue at all. Reef lives in Maine because it says so in his avatar. It is also widely known that BMX and Mustang are brothers, but you already knew that from being over NHRC. So, tell us something we dont know. I will now tell you something that I bet you didnt know... The only people that can see ip addresses here in this forum are the admins, not even me. So your claim to know this is false. Try and prove me wrong.

Frikin tar baby.

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by Reef » Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:43 pm

wow you are a computer whiz, you can tell that I live in Maine. Got some news for ya... so can everyone else. Please look to your left side of the screen, in case you dont know your lefts and rights..<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. See where it says "Location: Maine"? Congratulations, you can read.

OK, now I can add your sister, when is she gonna start posting here, your best friend, your half brother, your brother, mother and you. It seems that your family grows by the day.

I really dont give a shit about your so called personality disorder. It seems to me, like I said in a earlier post way back, that you are the racist one. No-one cares that you are black, you are just an idiot. Am I supposed to care that your dad played find em, fuck em and leave em? I don't. I couldnt give a rats ass about your mom working on her feet all day. Want to know what I do? I work in the heating and air conditioning trade. I am on my feet all day long and alot of the time into the wee hours of the mornings, working in extreme temps. Sometimes I'm on a roof in -30 degree weather, sometimes I'm in an attic in the middle of summer where it's over 130 degrees, do you see me cryin like a lil bitch askin people to feel sorry for me because I have it rough? NO YOU DON'T. I did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, I still live in an apartment at the age of 36 because I can't afford the finer things in life, like a house. I make do with what I have and I'm happy. I resent the fact that you piss, whine, and moan about how rough you have it. Do you eat on a regular basis? Do you get to sleep in a bed every night? Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have clothes on your black ass? I bet you have all of these things. What is so rough about life if you have these privileges. Yes I said privileges, hundrends of thousands of kids out there in this country that have nothing at all, and you complain you have it rough? HA! This bullshit about your life is crap, you havent even lived long enough to know what rough is.

Now, I'm gonna throw you a bone, mr. computer whiz. It is community knowledge that I'm from Maine, please tell me where in Maine. I could care less if people know where I'm from. I bet you can't. Why don't you go take your meds and grab a nap.

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by DaveO » Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:53 pm

expert prognosticator wrote:
Dude wtf does a black president hav to do with this league.
much, apparently
should we start banning all proxies?? :evil:

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by groverhardt » Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:40 pm

I'm sorry I said anything supportive. I didn't realize we were dealing with a schizo. Why don't you guys fill me in on this behind the scenes drama. Oh wait.....I probably don't want to know. Thank you

Re: Srry to everyone in tis league

by expert prognosticator » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:43 pm

Dude wtf does a black president hav to do with this league.
much, apparently
