Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

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Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Petty43 » Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:57 pm

Painting Studio
General painting discussion and paint scheme announcements.

What is this? On the NHRL Forum? :shock:

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by bover907 » Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:07 am

It is true, that ANYONE should run a while and run decent before even worrying about painting, modding etc etc.

I know that it's a given that people like haveing a custom paint job to run with. You know some of the best drivers this year were in in game cars. Look at Donaldson. I think he almost exclusively drove the Casey Mears car..... and drove it auite well, I might add.

I spent a couple months worth of time making most of the 43 cars for the NHRL cup mod. It wouldn't hurt for more guys to use them. That's what they're there for, and what any mod/game comes with cars for. So you can sit down and drive. Work on a paint after your accepted people, and running good.

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by tjwild » Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:34 pm

all i can say is wow holy moly

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Jes Rathbun » Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:06 pm

:lol: LMFOA @ REEF :laughorange

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Reef » Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:30 pm

lepage71 wrote:
Thank You Stick77, I appreciate your response.
Ha...didn't he notice Reef was standing in the room too? Ouch, talk about a walk-by. I guess Reef's used to it by now.

Speaking of ready-made tutorials, this whole discourse is like a manual-in-progress on what NOT to do to make friends in the league.

I'm just waiting for the final section, one we've all seen before: the lashing out.
Yeah, whatever. Not like I care about someone who will never run here anyways. Just thought I'd be nice and answer his first round of questions, then just mentioned that he'd be better off learning how to drive rather than jumping into the complicated process of painting. Evidently he didnt like that, ya know how old people get. Oh well, no skin off my ass.

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by groverhardt » Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:50 pm

Gentlemen, not wishing to get sucked into pointless and unproductive banter, I'd just like to say frankly that I'm disappointed at the tone that this rollerscoster has reached the depths of, in spite of my continued respect for you. Some of you I've known for like 6 or 7 years at least. You've been super helfpful, and I call you friend. I don't think any less of you in any case, and I will keep it that way. Just know that despite what you may think of me, you can count me among the annoying idiots in this forum's respect, because I've googled and tried several current programs that were complete crap and a waste of my time. My suggestion was merely to avoid the degrading direction this has taken now, and in the future. And, my contention was that if we had more idiot proof references consolidated on our website, we could all spend more time racing and avoid going here, while building the leagues already excellent reputation. Sorry if I was any party in any way to rocking the boat. I'm not asking for anything that anyone is not willing to give. I respectfully withdraw from any further public comment on this subject. As a P.S., if I do find the time or interest in semi-mastering any of these subjects, I will be more than happy to forge ahead in authoring the idiot proof forums, with the blessing of the administration of course, in an effort to promote new recruits and the future of this league. I know I'm not getting any younger, and I know some of you aren't either. Although I would really like it to be more than this, in the mean time I will be content on seeing you all on the track :grin: , as I diligently (though casually) continue to work on better preparing myself (and hopefully my team) for the next cup season. No harm. No foul. Peace out.

Re: Nascar Heat Book

by DreamRyderX » Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:12 pm

DaveO wrote:To whoever wants it, This is my nascar heat book/manual that came with my game many years ago. Enjoy!!! :grin:
Thanks DaveO that's the book I couldn't find! :grin:

I really appreciate the time & effort you expended to produce this book in PDF form.

Thanks again,,,,Bobby ;)

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by lepage71 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:22 pm

Thank You Stick77, I appreciate your response.
Ha...didn't he notice Reef was standing in the room too? Ouch, talk about a walk-by. I guess Reef's used to it by now.

Speaking of ready-made tutorials, this whole discourse is like a manual-in-progress on what NOT to do to make friends in the league.

I'm just waiting for the final section, one we've all seen before: the lashing out.

Nascar Heat Book

by DaveO » Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:09 pm

To whoever wants it, This is my nascar heat book/manual that came with my game many years ago. Enjoy!!! :grin:
(1.29 MiB) Downloaded 324 times

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Rookiesrock » Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:58 am

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Skoty Speed » Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:41 am

like watching someone fall down the steps :ohno

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by DusterLag » Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:29 am

OMG.. I dont even know what to say...
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Stick77 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:15 am

I feel like im watching Star Trek with my eyes closed, Captain Kirk can you Save me!!!

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Rookiesrock » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:57 pm

Easy on the mature gentleman, gentlemen. With healthcare what it is, we don't want anyone exercising theirs.

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by SpeedyExiter » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:46 pm

DreamRyderX wrote:See fellas I do what I want, when I want, & how I want. Thats at my own pace.

What I'm doing with my time is on a need to know basis.

So far that includes a list of just one. Me.

If I decide to let anyone else know, I'll consider telling you both, but don't hold up the race on my account.

Yep, that seems to sum it up.
Sssssssssssssssssssttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiikkkkkkkeeee 2!!!!!!!
With a god almighty attitude like that,...the pitcher is already in full wind up and ready to release
the ball for your last swing!

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by DreamRyderX » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:34 pm

HiYa Jesse & Night,

I appreciate you both wanting me to have fun just like you two, & I will. Your valuable advice is well noted.

When will I get involved in online racing,,hmmmm,,,at a time of my choosing, not any sooner, not any later. When I see fit to join in, & when I'm ready to join in.

See fellas I do what I want, when I want, & how I want. Thats at my own pace.

What I'm doing with my time is on a need to know basis.

So far that includes a list of just one. Me.

If I decide to let anyone else know, I'll consider telling you both, but don't hold up the race on my account. ;)

Yep, that seems to sum it up.

Thanks for thinkin' about me though. ;)

You'll both just have to be patient. ;)

In the mean time if I can somehow help y'all out, lemme know. ;)

Good luck,
Bobby ;)

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Jes Rathbun » Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:21 pm

I dont know but it seemed like a hand out,.. honestly you couldnt google search this by yourself I ve been reading all this and you have done nothing but ask questions on how to paint cars like nightstalker said "can you even drivethis game"? noone has even seen you in practice. you should have enogh time to practice considering EVERYONE else is doing you leg work for ya good luck with your...paints

just my cent and a half :cry:

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Nightstalker » Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:48 pm

LMFAO @ Stick, days of our lives..

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by Nightstalker » Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:46 pm

Can you even drive with this game? I find that most who show up here asking all kinds of painting and mod questions cant drive for crap. I could give a few examples but I'll refrain. If I were you, I'd take Reef's advice and try and run 1st. Haven't seen you in any of the practice servers, or make any attempt to join the league. No need for a custom paint if you aint gonna be accepted to the league.

Re: Need Help..Just took my NASCAR HEAT out of mothballs

by DreamRyderX » Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:28 pm

Thank You Stick77, I appreciate your response. This is exactly what I was hoping for, a hand up & not a hand out. I know it's going to be hard & I'm already chomping at the bit & diggin' my heals in! Good directions are worth their weight in gold! =D>

In the past I was very involved in MSFS, & I not only successfully painted, but I designed numerous craft.

The info you provided will surely help me get started finding the info I still need.

Some examples:

1. Where the templates are located in the program, & if necessary where I can obtain external templates ( Skoty Speed & others were very kind to direct me & help me with that).
2. What file extensions should I be looking for, what these extensions internal components are, & what they need to be returned & compressed to.
3. What programs/aids do I need to extract the files to be worked on, & what I need to incorporate/assimilate/recompile what I have completed into a NH usable form for test & final.

Basically thats what I will be searching for. I know I will find what I need, but it's great to know that there are some fine people ready to assist me if I need assistance in the future. :smile:

I hope that my asking for help getting started didn't piss anyone off, & if I did I can't fathom how. My interactions were meant to be solely of a peaceful, inquisitive, & thankful nature. But if I have managed to inadvertently ruffle someones tail feathers, then I am sincerely sorry that I was misunderstood. I promise to attempt to better understand all the new terminologies. I will strive to make my own statements more percipient, & be more appreciative in the future. ;)

Thanks Again,
Bobby,,,,AKA,,,,DreamRyderX ;)

Now, I'm off to make me some kickass rides--loogout Bubba, I'm crawlin' up yer back & I aint in no kissin' mood! :badgrin:
