
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by fatfreddy17 »

My hat is off,, lepage you have run a great league this year!!!!!!!!!!

Count freddy in on the next year league.

Controversy,, arguements,, and " conflicts" you handled them all with some pretty suave manuevers,,

lepage,, apply yourself in what comes your way in life!

106% respect to you,,
Jeff Fintelmann

( fatfreddy )

Re: tip-o-da-hat

Post by lepage71 »

hey thanks bud...at midseason there were a few drivers that made it difficult for a few others...but by the end of the season I think all of the unfair drivers were filtered out and the good league drivers remain

next year is looking like it will be a good one...thx a lot for the great season so far guys

kiss butt

Post by WldRay »

hey thats the way to suck up lol no i agree you do a good job hopefully i will find time to practice more and join you guys again cya
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