Razerback Racing

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Razerback Racing

Post by razerbacker »

I would like to apologize to the 28 and the 88 car.
I tapped the 28 on first turn of the race trying to avoid traffic. The 28 car did not gripe about the bump that put us behind. I was actually trying to move out of the 88 cars way and lost it with a very loose car coming out of the turn. I disconnected, knowing that I suxed.
I will start at the back of the next race I make, unless Lepage says other wise.

P.S. Come on back Nascarfan so I have someone from Texas to bump.. ( just kidding)

Re: Razerback Racing

Post by sledge4 »

Razerback, no hard feelings from me. Although that was 2 weeks in a row that we tangled. I appreciate your apology.

Thanks and hope to see you at the races this weekend.

hey Razor

Post by WldRay »

hey Razor how ya doing I sure miss racing with ya and i make my comeback so we could wreck each other and you dont show up WTF? well it was good to race a few laps anyway I WILL BE BACK LOL CYA


Post by lepage71 »

wow...Ray's on a roll, you sure you didn't have any beers yet tonight?

first fred now razer...

lol hope to cya full time again ray
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