
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by doolok »

Just curious as to why we were using 1.73. I saw on a website that Hasbro doesnt even support it?? Not too sure about using a patch thats not supported...just askin.

Re: 1.73?

Post by lepage71 »

Thomas Heineman developed this patch and he helped develop some of the others as well. It is only "unofficial" in name because I think MGI is done making patches. I read through the information for this patch, and there are a few improvements to multiplayer that have helped us out, one of them being the elmination of those endless "is using different information" messages. Another is the fix for the starting grid. When someone dropped, we only had a grid speed problem...no cars were flying/warping all over the place. Unfortunately no patch has been able to correctly adjust the line if someone drops.

This patch is basically the 1.72e with a couple minor changes, 1) the host can adjust the penalty time for going off the course, and 2) supports mods and unlimited tracks within your game. It also allows you to race an un-original track like Pocono on Thin mode for multiplayer.

Thanks for asking :ezboardsmile:

Re: 1.73?

Post by lepage71 »

We're switching back to the 1.72e. Read the e-mails :ezboardsmile:


Post by grovehardt »

I won't stir anything up, but here's my 2 cents.
1) Numbers dwindling on IRF for new recruits and for keeping Heat alive.
2) Lack of standard used patch to give people the ease and choices we once had on IRF.
Problem with 72e and 73 patch verses 5a for WC is less people able to participate, as I have seen people have problems with both, where there weren't any while using 5a.
I consider this an unbiased opinion, as the only problem I have myself is just a little jump from other cars occasionally on 72e.
My concern is keeping Heat alive, and well....face it....colletively, some of us involved in this league are the ones setting the standards on IRF. I just don't like to see ANY good drivers left behind because their system doesn't like the patch when there is one that works for most. But, whatever the end result, I'm good :ezboardsmile: Looking forward to seeing how 72e works out.

Re: 1.73?

Post by doolok »

yea i'm switching my league back to the 1.72 as well...for some reason i dont like the 1.73...

Re: 1.73?

Post by lepage71 »

In my opinion the 1.5a is an old relic now. If a computer still cannot handle a game that is getting as old as Heat, methinks it be time for a new computer! Until a few months ago, I used to run Heat on a 499-mhz, 32MB, 1999 Dell piece-o-crap and I was using the 1.72e patch no problem. I'm not sure if it is the patches but the internet connections that are the main thing with the patches.

On other notes, we used to use the 1.5a in 2001, and we had quite a few server problems using it, and of course those endless server data messages! lol :ezboardsmile:

1.72e is the final "supported" Heat patch and from what I have seen, it improves the game the most greatly from its original state. It was also the patch that the 2 drivers that experienced problems were asking us to run.

Edited by: lepage71 at: 1/31/03 9:36:49 am

Re: 1.73?

Post by CatCatch22 »

Hey I resent that remark my computer is a 500-mhz 32MB 2000 piece-o-crap:ezboardhappy: :ezboardwink:

Re: Re: 1.73?

Post by IMDEDXX »

yeah me too! 500 mhz Compaq 2000, but i have 192 megs of ram. get this, when i first got cable net and plugged it into the USB, POW!!! i almost got electricuted! this thing is fried!
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