
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by novall »

Sry if I cause anyone prob's due to my ghosting or warping in tonight's race... I will try to get it right. or maybe since others had the same prob, It's not me, I like that answer. lol

Re: sry's

Post by doolok »

i dont think you were the problem. I know last night when i got booted, it showed on my results screen that duckman had finished 18th AND 19th, and we all know his connection was causing problems.

Maybe next time the host will do us the courtesy of re-starting the server in the event drivers are being lost or dropped. Hell man, im on cable, this is the first time racing with other drivers that I got dumped off..LOL

Re: sry's

Post by lepage71 »

I tried to get duckman to leave before the race started but I guess he stayed and dropped just before the race started. I'm pretty sure that was why the grid was so messy. I didn't really see much warp except at the S/F line, but that occurs in all servers. The game formed 2 duckman cars and they took a way a bit of bandwidth from the server which wasn't what we hoped for lol.

I do apologize for any disconnects. The rules do not state that we restart for disconnected drivers unless half the field is lost. We've never lost more than 3 to disconnect until tonight so obviously we didn't plan for 5 guys to lose it like last night.

We're probably going to try either AlaRedBone's or WireNut's servers. Basically we'll try out any servers until we get perfect results.

Re: sry

Post by CatCatch22 »

The reason Duckman connection was so bad was he still was on IRF. When I disconnected and went to IRF I saw his name there, his was the only one. By having IRF open and not connecting to the server through IRF it causes some problems when connecting through ip to a race.

My 2 cents

Post by grove »

From my past league experience, and seeing how we had same or similar problem when Noles tried to host, I'm thinking there is some one, or some, with a connection problem that compounds the issues, as I know one bad connection compared to others, especially with a larger field, can mess up the race for everyone. I did notice as more people dropped, there was an improvement with the reduced number of us left. If that is the cause, it must be sry bout your luck for person having problem for the good of the whole, unless they want to spend the time and/or money improving it like the rest of us have. Plz if anyone has any question of their connection or system performance, put the time in testing on irf or something to find out if you still have any glitches. Others of us will be happy to make suggestions for you if you are having any problem. I hate seeing good racers with good systems dropping.

Re: sry/My 2 cents

Post by Noles366 »

One thing to remember is to consider all of the perameters involed in SIM racing. When allowing everyone to race I.E. (Dial up and broadband) you are permittimg lower bandwidth connections to join. The strongest connection is thru the IP with no doubt. I thought we agreed to that after Fridays 24 restarts, patch change, server change, and discussiobn of too many cars. If you think about thin servers and then add alot of cars (I.E. 15+) you are asking the lower bandwidth guys to stream more data with more cars. Now we all know 56 k guys occasionally warp and we cant change that, but
then adding all these cars compunds the problem that we already know exists. We also have all served and know that if a driver drops before the start, the field is a mess and you need to reset the grid by reentering the lobby. One thing we did at Nastrack was try to help each other troubleshoot these issues. There are a list of things we found help limit some problems: Always connect direct to IP, defrag your system weekly, benchmark in the game menu prior to racing, turn off all programs in the background when racing on line, disable virus scanners (because of auto exe updates), and tune your graphics down to maximize your system performance. These things coupled with running an appropriate sized field WILL eliminate the majority of the problems I believe. I noticed even the cable guys ghosting last night! When I am running 1320 kb/sec and another guy is running 400kb/sec we will have bottleneck of information and someone will warp. There were definitely some serious problems. I don't know if this will help all of the problems, but it will definitely assist some of the issues. I hope all of the 56 k guys will try this because I do want to see everyone have a GOOD TIME. I have never seen anyone run more than 15 cars without warp regardless of the host computer. I think 2 servers would be appropriate for more than 15 cars. For what its worth!


Re: sry/My 2 cents

Post by doolok »

I think that is a good idea, to run 2 different servers with each containing a limit, say 10-12 drivers, to allow for everyone to race in the league fairly and equal.

Someone mentioned troubleshooting. Troubleshoot this. Ive been hosting my own league now for some time now, plus all the IRF races i've joined, and racing Daytona was the first time i've ran into this much trouble. I'm running a cable internet connection, currently my download/upload is 816/156. No firewalls, running Windows 2000 Pro. Before I host OR join ANY big race, like my own or Lepages races, I use "End it all" which doesnt find anything in the first place.

Any ideas will always be appreciated, but I find it hard to believe MY connection caused me to disconnect.

We'll see how the next race goes.

For the love of it all

Post by grove »

Yeah doo, some of us do all we can, and know what works for us, but the problem I think is the weakest link(s), which Noles went into a little more specifically. I think the problems those weak link(s) can cause, coupled with number of cars running, just make it luck of the draw who's dropped when it's that messed up.

If we refer to Nastrack, don't take offense like we're competing or think we know it all. We're just trying to help smooth things out, the best we can, from our experience ironing out kinks.

We had routine of everyone being required, or at least requested, to do routine maintenance on puter before race (ie. clean out temp files, cookies, registry, and defrag), at a minimum. Obviously most of us know there are sometimes other things that can be done as well for maintenance that may be a little more involved. We also believe that running bench test in game before race may help set frame rate base, as it resets each time you rerun the game. This is all geared towards maximizing the connection with the weakest links to improve the overall.

Granted sometimes we can't do anything about someone's weak service provider, or those occasional interuptions thru providers that even dsl or cable can get, but it just must be understood, especially for those that may have a problem, even if it's a one in a thousand thing, that you just got to role with it by racing accordingly to avoid mix ups, and/or bow out of a race gracefully if you're the one having a major problem. Some of us at Nastrack went thru the headaches, and ened up sinking the money into broadband, primarily to minimize problems in this game. You got to remember tho that some people may not be able to afford to do that (I know my wife thinks it's a waist and times our tough right now all over), or even have broadband available in their area yet. But we'll try to iron it out to include all that we can. It kinda takes something away from your own good finished race, knowing when your buddy and/or good driver lost to the frustration of a glitch. Some of us have even made better friendships along the way helping each other out :ezboardsmile:
Skoty Speed

Re: For the love of it all

Post by Skoty Speed »

There is ABSOLUTELY no offense taken, Grove. We very much appreciate you and Noles sharing information of past experiences with connection issues. We are looking into every option available to make this as trouble free and enjoyable a league as possible. We encourage and welcome any input that will help us achieve that.

Re: For the love of it all

Post by doolok »

naw none taken. a little dissappointed the race ended so soon after looking foward to it for a while, but thats ok..thats racin.

Much Better

Post by novall »

Hi Fello Racers,

Bunches of great idea's and sugestions. I regularly perform Maint. on this puter.. and always make sure my system recourses are high in the 90's. I checked my connection with my provider and they have assured me that my connection is as good as it can get. My upload is maxed out at 130k/s and working fine.

The main reason I thought it was me who was causing the problem was because of my screen locks at intermitten times throughout the race. I have since found that I had Video card driver issues. "FIXED"...

I ran a little with Scotty and he said I did not warp,,,BUT still ghosted a little at start of race.,

Ok, this is the Big Question,,,, The cable guy suggested that my Board and CPU rate may be "Overdriving" my two year old Radeon 7000 32 Meg Vid Card. Which I guess would hold up my sent Info on this end. "?" MotherBoard> "Gygabite" GA-7DX(R)+/DXE With 1.474.2CPU On OS Win98 2nd Edition. causing my apparent freezes on this end. I'm by NO MEANS a computer expert. I just follow directions well and CAN read Distruction. Help me out.

Video cards

Post by Grove »

Good point Novall. Getting back to basics when troubleshooting, the video card is usually the first place to look, whether it's a hardware or driver problem. NVIDEA makes some great drivers that are compatible with most or all the brand name cards. If looking for a new card, I would suggest Gforce cards, simply because they are normally reliable and very compatible as a plug and play card. I've heard people have problems with Radeon cards, which I'm not saying can't be tweaked out, but I'd rather go with a more reliable and flexible card that is sure to get the job done in any case. Best thing to do is ask someone like a computer tech who is familiar with what type of system you're running, and they can usually tell you what hardware works well with what hardware. :ezboardnerd: LOL

card change

Post by novall »

"Well, I'll tell ya, my one year manufactures warranty runs out in another month on this card, But since I spent $5.00 more on an extended warranty, as soon as the manufactures warranty runs out, I can take this card back to Staples and get a new one for the price I have in this one, The Great part here is that I gave $90.00 for this 32Meg card, now I think I can get a GForce 64 Meg card for the same price or cheaper. God I love America....

The only problem with Manufactures Warranty is that you have to send it to them and wait for a month to get one back... Geeezz...Staples will give me a cash card for the full amount I have in it. God I hope none of you work for Staples...hehe :0

Re: card change

Post by doolok »

heh Staples...dont work there...but would love to set their building on fire.

something that might help

Post by WireNut »

At u can tweak your connection & test it , this is the best site i have found yet,u just click on OUR TOOLS then test speed, tweak will help u set your connection to the best it can be. When i first got DSL my speed was 1050/185 , after there tweak test & help it is now 1244/220.:ezboardpimp:
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