
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by doolok »

wonder why, when i tried to view the forum here, it blocked my ip...hmm...whos childish now lepage. didnt you send me a message saying you dont block people?? i beg to differ.
Skoty Speed

Re: hmm...

Post by Skoty Speed »

Please DO NOT use this forum to post disrespectful comments, or matters of personal conflict. If you have a conflict with someone or something, please bring it up to a league administrator, or take up the matter privately with the person of conflict.

Thank you, Skoty Speed

Re: hmm...

Post by doolok »

not disrespecting anyone here skoty, just askin a question. dont get so defensive.

Hey Dumlok

Post by CatCatch22 »

Listen dumlok, I'm tired of your idiocy. You left the league fine. You call Lepage a liar, then when the evidence was shown to show you were the one lying you delete the evidence and ban us from your mockery of a league. Then you come on this board posting like nothing happened with disrespectful commments at that. We ignore you and you just don't go away. We are not posting on your board so don't post here. If anyone is acting childish its you. GO AWAY!!

Re: hmm...

Post by lepage71 »

Please ignore yet another made up statement. I never did anything to his IP or did anything to block his login name. Yet another falsehood. He would be unable to post or leave a message if I did this.

I find it kind of humorous to hear him say that he has been blocked from viewing our forum, and practically every day I see his name "Doolok" at the bottom of the recent visitors screen. lol

We WILL delete disrespectful posts to our leagues or to our drivers.

I do ask you to respectfully disappear from our forum however, but I will not do so by banning you. Cya

Edited by: lepage71 at: 3/1/03 12:59:11 pm
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