Hey Lepage..

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Hey Lepage..

Post by doolok »

I got a character named Rumpranger thats been flamin my board bad. Did an IP search, turns out this "person" lives in Wisconsin...hmm gee..who would I know that lives in Wisconsin? Freddy? Catch?

Better control your cats man, or your gonna have a whole mess of flamin over here too.

Re: Hey Lepage..

Post by viagra6car »

message deleted

Edited by: viagra6car at: 4/1/03 7:13:47 am

Re: Hey Lepage..

Post by doolok »

viagra...can you read son? pretty sure this says "hey Lepage"...dont you have a school to shoot up or something?

Re: Hey Lepage..

Post by viagra6car »

Just give it up. You certainly are not wanted here. You want to take it to the track sometime, let me know, i'll take you. Btw, you have your facts wrong. Catch if from New York you putz

Edited by: viagra6car at: 3/23/03 5:44:56 pm

Re: Hey Lepage..

Post by CatCatch22 »

Man you have some serious issues. You said you want nothing to do with this league yet your still here. What is it that you want?? Your not wanted. Its too late your not gonna all of a sudden get back in here like nothing happened. Must I say it again GO AWAY!! Your just making you and your league look dumb every time you post this nonsense. Also I am from New York City, if you could read I posted it on the forum but i guess you can't.

Edited by: CatCatch22 at: 3/23/03 6:02:33 pm

Re: Hey Lepage..

Post by lepage71 »

hey I seem to remember having a picture of an email deleted awhile back too...actually two...

we are not in the habit of dictating our drivers' every action (unlike a certain place I know)...it was that poster's choice to do that and it was his responsibility

I call you yet again to please leave our forum permanently. You have proven that I cannot trust you to stay out of our league's activities. If you make another controversial post, you will be banned.

Edited by: lepage71 at: 3/24/03 3:44:17 am

Re: Hey Lepage..

Post by CatCatch22 »

That is his answer. Just ban the guy, get it over with. Kill the mule.

IRL/CART league

Edited by: CatCatch22 at: 3/24/03 6:00:52 am

Re: Hey Lepage..

Post by doolok »

see, according to lepage...he doesnt ban members like I do..that was the sarcastic answer I got from him earlier this season..

and oh yea catch...man did you ever win a race? sure maybe with my league, but umm....im looking at the stats, i dont see you anywhere up there....do you ever win man? LOL...talk some more crap man..your fuel for me...

Re: Hey Lepage..

Post by doolok »

and i've already recieved your new password for your little races...you should double check your mailing list...just because it doesnt say "doolok" for your reciepients, doesnt mean I didnt get it....

Hey @$$

Post by viagra6car »

Apparently he's getting info from Imded (at least that is my guess). Better check in with him Lepage. Just FOff Doolok. Catch is among the best drivers in both leagues...which is something you certainly wouldn't have done. It's not all about winning the races. After this week, appears as though he is 3rd in the busch standings and in the top 10 in cup. You need to leave this forum and go find some friends. No life

Re: Hey Lepage..

Post by lepage71 »

Allright guys I hope this is over once and for all. Obviously doolok has nothing better to do than purposelly come over to our league when we leave him alone and he tries to start something new. I had a feeling that when I got home today doolok would make another rude post. Too predictable.

As far as the server password, we will probably turn spectators off for the races.

Re: Hey 6car!

Post by IMDEDXX »

ive been gone all freekin weekend! thats why i had a sub! please do not "guess" that i had anything to do with this mess!

Re: Hey Imded

Post by viagra6car »

:ezboardfrown: Sorry imded, I was just making guesses based on your friendship with doolok. Hope this doesn't upset you too much. I had done wrong

hey 6 car

Post by IMDEDXX »

no i'm not upset. i didn't fully realize what all went on this weekend until this evening. i plan on posting a formal apology later tonight. :ezboardfrown:
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