Starting Grid Procedure for Sonoma

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Starting Grid Procedure for Sonoma

Post by lepage71 »

For the hardcore mode race at Sears Point, the CUP Series will be doing a pace lap in order to start the race. This will avoid having 14 cars line up and try to fit through turns 1 and 2 (which will never work).

This is how it will work:

1) instead of accelerating when your spotter says Go, you are to stop your car completely ( 0 mph)

2) the polesitter (front row on the left side) will begin to slowly accelerate to 50 mph

3) the 2nd-place car, the 3rd place car, etc. down the grid will fall single file behind the pole car

4) the pace lap will be run at 50mph (whatever gear you want to run during this is optional) but you must maintain a gap of around a half-second behind the car in front of you

5) IMPORTANT: there is a bridge right after the esses...this is where ALL cars must shift to 4th gear and slow down to 35mph

6) once the pole car reaches the start/finish line (4th gear / 35mph) they will type "Go"

7) all cars must remain in 4th gear until turn 1...this is done so that we do not have the same problem of fast speeds in the low gears entering the tight first two turns

8. the replay will show if you illegally downshifted before turn 1...all cars MUST stay in 4th gear before reaching the first turn or they will be penalized...that means you should be taking the green in 4th gear (at 35mph) and continuing across the S/F line in 4th gear (accelerating)

9) you may downshift once you reach that first turn...and the race is underway

We do not feel this is a hard procedure. It is simply going single file at 50mph until the bridge, shifting to 4th gear from there and slowing to 35mph until the start. If you have any questions please ask.

There will be stiff penalties if a driver does not follow the pace lap rules. Just remember, we are only doing this to avoid the tough starts caused by running a 10+ car grid thru turns 1 and 2.

Edited by: lepage71 at: 6/19/03 12:27 pm

Re: Starting Grid Procedure for Sonoma

Post by fireman79 »

:ezboardhappy: great idea lepage. i was wondering how the start would be and how many would crash going into 1 and 2. this sounds like a good remedy. look forward to racin':ezboardpimp: :ezboardfrown: :ezboardwry: i think lol


Post by IMDEDXX »

if anyone needs a sub, doesnt want to race hardcore sears, or for any other reason will not be racing this weekend, i would love to get in this race and drive your car at sears. let me know. :ezboardtongue:

Re: sonoma

Post by sledge4 »

Do we accelerate at the S/F in 4th, or do we stay at 35mph until the 1st turn?


Re: sonoma

Post by lepage71 »

you may accelerate once the leader types GO
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