New Hamper

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New Hamper

Post by fatfreddy17 »

I needed a wrecker to tow home my car last night! And I will be using my backup helmet next week because I threw my helmet at another car as he drove past me! :ezboardmad:


Post by fireman79 »

hey freddy, what was up with the love tap you gave me when i blew by you toward the end of the race?

Re: what?

Post by fatfreddy17 »

I bounced off the wall trying to give you enough room to pass me, you had plenty of room to go lower. Sorry I hit you, but my car wobbled bad after hitting the wall, I almost spun out.

After watching the replay, everyone had some contact with either the wall, another car, or both.

Edited by: fatfreddy17 at: 7/20/03 10:41 am

Re: what?

Post by lepage71 »

Umm...except me!

Actually I was of the opinion that a few drivers were being a little rough, but I went through the whole replay and I really only saw one big pileup (near start). There was plenty of contact here and there, but most of the things were individual wrecks.

No penalties to assess, atleast from what I saw. :ezboardsmile:


Post by fireman79 »

oh, i was not upset about it freddy. i thought it was kinda funny. i had no idea that you were into the wall. it appeared to me as a little playful bump as i passed. no problem or complaint.:ezboardpimp:

look out

Post by Viagra6Car »

yeah, and i've heard that fire is the jimmy spencer of irf :ezboardwink: ...he never forgets, so look out freddy

Re: look out

Post by sledge4 »

Hey Freddy,

Thanks putting my car on the flatbed also. LOL.

I can't believe the race I had. I hit everything from cars to birds to the hot dog stand behind the pit wall, LOL.

For some stupid reason I actually kept racing and managed to pick up one spot when cracin bowed out.

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