Race starts

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Race starts

Post by fatfreddy17 »

In my opinion, some drivers in all NHRL series are too aggressive at the start of a NHRL race.

IF, if everyone holds their line at the drop of the green flag, high or low, there is NO reason to make a pass on lap one. And there is ABSOLUTELY NO reason to pass 3-4 cars on lap 1.

Make sure you have a setup that handles high and low, and practice the high and low line. With the different pit windows that guys run, and factor in the cold tires, add the fact that we are running on wear 4 ( the damage is more critical ), it is is EVERYONE'S interest to keep the car clean at the start of a race.

It has been my experience that taking it easy on the start, let guys spread out, keeps my setup damage free. That is when I can have the fastest laps, and I have the most fun racing. The ground I give up early, I WILL make up later in my run with good driving and pitting.

I am not innocent of getting out of line at then start, but I do try to allow other cars a chance to heat up the tires, and give a little space.

These are not only my observations, I have chatted with some other drivers.


Re: Race starts

Post by rookiesrock8 »

I agree 100%. You can't win on the first lap.

BBFF member

Re:Race starts

Post by Ramrock41 »

I also agree 100% on that,..I cant tell ya how many times i'v been slamed in the rear or forced up high because a driver was trying to go to the front on the first damb lap,....I'v said this before and i'll say it again,
Some of us have setups that dont come in till the first two or three laps,...Ya got to let the tires heat up,.and make Damb sure you can hold your line if you dont!!!!!!!

Re: Race starts

Post by lepage71 »

Well said, fred. I would like to add that most drivers are already taking race starts how they should be - nice and slowly, using caution until the field spreads out and you can really test how your car is running.

However, we feel that it is the same 2-3 drivers that keep using the restart as a "crutch" after being too aggressive and trying to gain early positions on drivers looking to go easy 2 or 3 laps. These drivers usually say someone else did it to them, but after reviewing the replays it is pretty evident to us they were not being careful at all.

And when you think about it, if the same guys are having trouble race after race, I don't think someone else keeps hitting them race after race...they are finding this trouble somehow, and it is not because someone else always does it to them.

This is not a major problem, however, we do want to curb the melee-type of race start. The races have been great in each series this year, and we expect these competitive races to continue!

Re: Race starts

Post by workdaddy52 »

Well I have ran quite a few races with you all now as a sub of course. And a lot of the reason I get to the front so quickly is cause of people trying to get to the front on the first lap. As a whole there is a great group of drivers here. In this league I have ran some of the most competitive races I have ever been in. But Lepage and Freddy hit the nail on the head. Just a little patients and it would turn into some awesome races. This is just my opinion so don't take it to heart.



Re: Race starts

Post by Viagra6Car »

Don't tell em that...been getting us better finishing positions

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @ www.geocities.com/legendcarheatracin

Re: Race starts

Post by CatCatch22 »

I have not remembered seeing nor being in any bad race start since the busch race at dover, (which was actually not bad) Busch drivers beter I guess. Cup however has been different, last race where the starts were horrible was cup Richmond.

Edited by: CatCatch22 at: 9/11/03 8:14 pm

Re: Race starts

Post by lepage71 »

wonder if this will finally ignite v6's 'nbs is better' argument??? :ezboardwink:

Re: Race starts

Post by Viagra6Car »

You mean reignite...going to post now

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @ www.geocities.com/legendcarheatracin

Race starts

Post by grovet »

I agree to an extent, but keep in mind that if you're running a race setup that's much slower than your Q setup (and someone else has a better race setup), then you are probably gonna get in the way and run the risk of being passed early or accidentally hit. It happens. Good effort by all for the most part tho. For the record, I personally prefer busch, but not for racing.

Re: Race starts

Post by fatfreddy17 »

How about busch in a racing stripe?

Edited by: fatfreddy17 at: 9/16/03 5:46 pm
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