Dover Reschedule

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Dover Reschedule

Post by lepage71 »

Next week will be the Talladega race, as scheduled. The Dover rerun will be the week right after Talladega.
Jet BB

Re: Dover Reschedule

Post by Jet BB »

can i get in on some of this racing? if so tell me how.
i had this game over a year but never raced much online,
i have IRF but it wont connect anymore. :ezboardohwell:

Edited by: Jet BB at: 9/22/03 9:49 pm

Re: Dover Reschedule

Post by lepage71 »

We currently do not accept drivers that we have never seen drive before. This is not a rookie league, so if you are a rookie driver, you should wait until joining this league.

However, if you feel you are an expert online sim driver, you can go on to read our Signup Page, right here


Post by Viagra6Car »

Now I'm known as an expert online racer...bout time i've been recognized as that :ezboardtongue:

Awesome Opossum :ezboardroll: :ezboardroll: :ezboardroll:

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @
Jet BB

Re: Dover Reschedule

Post by Jet BB »

i think im a good driver but since i haven't raced much online im sure im not an expert, the problem is finding people to race with online.

Re: Dover Reschedule

Post by lepage71 »

v6 is also recognized as our resident goon :ezboardwry:
Jet BB

Re: Dover Reschedule

Post by Jet BB »

is there a problem with IRF? it never connects, i been trying last three days, it use to work fine.

i run win XP Pro

Re: Dover Reschedule

Post by fatfreddy17 »

If there are no host races, you will not be able to connect.

Be sure you have IRF v2.4.2

Also you may want to reinstall IRF. Make sure your log in name and password is correct too.

Edited by: fatfreddy17 at: 9/24/03 4:37 pm


Post by Viagra6Car »

irf doesn't work until like 7 pm one around to race before that for the most part

& 71 is also known by many names -- M.C. Hammer; Putt, Putt; Level 2 Loser, Lead Goober :ezboardsmoking:

however, I am definitely the league goon, no doubt about it

Edited by: lepage71 at: 9/25/03 6:48 pm


Post by Viagra6Car »

Don't even start this again 71

last post- Edited by: lepage71 at: 9/25/03 6:48 pm

here is a sketch of lepage :ezboardalien:

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @
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