Pitting Rules Update

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Pitting Rules Update

Post by lepage71 »

This was also emailed:

Starting with the weekend of the NBS Series race at Phoenix and the CUP Series race at Michigan, the NHRL will be changed to MANUAL pitting. This is a change we were going to institute for 2004, but we have put it in effect for the last few races this year. We made this change because we felt that the majority of drivers preferred manual pits, and avoiding pit damage from auto pits.

HOWEVER...the new rule mandates that the pit road speed of each particular track must be your SPEED OF ENTRANCE...so basically the 100-mph rule no longer exists in the any NHRL series. An example of what we mean is provided below.

Ater this week's race, the rule page will be updated to reflect the new pitting rules.

For example, Michigan's pit speed limit is 65 MPH. You must be entering the pit road at 65 MPH. The pit road will automatically put you to that speed, but you can still steer your car since it is manual mode. So when you are pitting, remember that there is no more 100-or-less rule. You need to slow down and match the speed of pit road ON THE PIT LINE ENTRANCE. So instead of entering at 100 MPH, you must enter at 65 at Michigan .

The main reason for this entrance speed limit is to avoid spins when a car hits the difference between track speed and the pit road's auto speed.

We will add a column in each race information email for the pit road speed of each track.

Please email us at lepage71@aol.com if you have any questions.
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