
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by fireman79 »

Hey, I was very disapointed with the server problems saturday night. I know it is unexpected and no ones fault really but I hope there is something that can be done to fix this problem. Anyone working on it? Can we expect this all the time? What ideas do any of you guys have that can remedy this? Maybe fewer drivers in a race? Maybe 8 drivers into 2 groups each week. Then both admins turn in the results and blend them. I don't know, just throwing out ideas. Maybe when everyone shows we do a quick test, if there are problems then break into 2 groups that night and blend the results. If the test is positive we go. I just hate to see some drivers show up only to get knocked out in a qualifier. What do you all think?


Re: server

Post by lepage71 »

I am doing everything I can to figure out the server problems. Unfortunately it is almost impossible to pinpoint exactly what was wrong. Chances are is that it was one really bad night for my internet provider. If it is a long-term problem, then we will have some serious consequences.

As for qualifying, we may be forced to do qualifying if 16-17 guys come each race. Heat does just not seem to react positively once you go over 15, no matter how fast the server is.

Everyone remembers the great 15 car races we had last year, and this is what I expect out of the server.

At some time this week, possibly WEDNESDAY or THURSDAY, I think a server test with as many drivers as we can get is a good idea. Feedback on this would be appreciated. I have already done a few things that I think MIGHT help the problem. I will repeat once again that we all remember how good the server was last year and this is what I expect.

woah now

Post by Viagra6Car »

You know 71 is trying to get this fixed. They'll be all set when the time comes, and you should know that. Now if we can just get everyone to run some practice........:ezboardglasses:

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re: woah now

Post by fireman79 »

hey, i think a practice run is a good idea. as long as we can do it late in the evening, say 9:30-10 or so. Also, just want you to know that I was not complaining. I am sure you are doing everything you can. I was just thinking out loud.:ezboardpimp: :ezboardsmoking: :ezboardsmoking: :ezboardsmoking:

server speed & hosting

Post by EagleKeeper »

hello all. after our recent problems during the Bud Shootout.... TommyW told me where to go to check my connection speed. after checking my speed numerous times @ many different times of the day.... I found that my connection speed is pretty damn good. On average... I am scoring at or near 3000 Kbps for download and ... at or near 360Kbps for upload. I think this might be good numbers for hosting. As far as the week night server test that I'm hearing about.... I probably can't make it to them ... because I work nights. but, If these connection speeds are better than TommyW's and Lepages..... I can host if we run into problems again.
the only other thing I can think of..... is to have all league members do a connection test and report their results to the League administrators. There has got to be a couple drivers out there with really slow connections which, in turn are, slowing the overall connection speed down for the entire group. This sounds like a crappy idea.... but.... I was thinking that, if we continue to have connection problems.... the drivers who reported the slowest connection speeds will have to be eliminated. but.... I'm not sure if that is the right thing to do :ezboardfrown: Eagle
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