The "What to Know" About Qualifying

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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The "What to Know" About Qualifying

Post by lepage71 »

This is just an advanced notice to everyone to get your qualifying setups pretty decent, because this year we may have top-15 qualifying each race. We may be able to extend that to 16, it depends on how the server goes.

As the last real prominent stock car league out there right now, we tried to take as many good drivers as we could, because there really isn't anywhere else to go at this point. Therefore, we set the roster at 18 or so.

Remember, last year, we had 21 guys on the roster but the most we got in a race was 15. The usual turnout was 12 or 13. So for us, it was hard to tell how many would actually come. :ezboardtongue:

One important thing: if a driver(s) misses a race one week, they are granted immunity for the next week. Thus, no one will miss back to back races.
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