Well guys i think our server problems may be over

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Well guys i think our server problems may be over

Post by AlaRedBone »

busch and cup races look good this week like to thank lupage for help me get server set up this we may we can have a good season

Re: Well guys i think our server problems may be over

Post by lepage71 »

And great driving by everyone! Looks like good year is ahead!

Re: Well guys i think our server problems may be over

Post by fatfreddy17 »

Not only do we have a GREAT server, we also have a great bunch of drivers! Drivers were VERY aware of who was where, and moved for cars with fresher tires, what a polite group!

That was the largest race I have ever raced in, ( same as Friday, 17 cars ) and there were cars ALL over the track!

What a freakin' rush!

Manuel pitting, lots of cars, this is the bomb!

And thanks to my buddy Skoty for letting me use his old pc,

Edited by: fatfreddy17 at: 2/22/04 1:54 pm

big crowd

Post by EagleKeeper »

yeah man..... having a full field of drivers really adds something to the game! there were actually a couple times when I had to drive around another car to get in and out of my pit stall. this is fun stuff!

Re: big crowd

Post by fireman79 »

i think yellow flags would add another element to the racing. it would change the whole dynamic of pit strategy. it would make it more like the real thing. what do you guys think?

Re: big crowd

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Yellow flags would be interesting to try, but the Heat game doesn't allow yellow flags online.

BBFF member

yellow flags

Post by EagleKeeper »

yep.... I agree..... yellow flags would be sweet.... except for at tracks like bristol ...lol - we would run the entire race under yellow but ... as rookie stated in the above post ... heat doesn't allow that to be selected in "online" multi-player games
what we need is to find a person who is a genious (when it comes to computer stuff) to make us a "mod" that allows us to race with yellow flags in heat-multiplayer.
there has got to be someone out there that can do this.... I mean.... heck -- there is always a new heat mod comming out (heat semi trucks, late model, NR3 for heat, etc, etc) Does anyone know who keeps comming up with these new mods??? And if ya do..... ask them to make us a mod which includes yellow flags

Re: yellow flags

Post by fireman79 »

yeah, i think big ben is the one who does alot of mods. i will see if i can find his email and ask him. who would be for yellow if we can get someone to rig it?

yellow flags

Post by EagleKeeper »

<<<(raising hand) me me me me me me

Re: yellow flags

Post by fireman79 »

<<<<raising hand i sent an email to big ben and punko to see if it was possible to make a patch or something to allow yellows during online racing. will keep you posted

Re: yellow flags

Post by chevy4life21 »

a while back RTB mentioned that flags will work if 2 or more ppl type yyyyyyyyyy r something like that...maybe we all could try it chevy4life
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