Yellowflags and a playoff system?

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.

Yellowflags and a playoff system?

Post by d3efan »

In addition to yellow flags, are you considering changing the points system to reflect the new nextel cup system lepage? As far as in the real series i think it will be good. Nascar looked at the numbers and it would be real hard for someone outside the top 10 win win the championship. I think it will make the last 10 races of the season alot more fun to watch, and compete in here. Talk amonst yourselves. lol

points syst

Post by EagleKeeper »

yeah..... lol I think a driver should get more points for the win ... hehehe! and no points for a pole
Skoty Speed

Re: points syst

Post by Skoty Speed »

Just thought I would pass along my thoughts on this matter. As far as yellow flags, not gonna happen. Keep in mind this game is 4 years old. If it were possible, which it's not, someone would have done it by now. As far as the points system, we talked about changing it, but decided to leave it the way it is for now. Due to the fact that the season already started, the extra 5 points for a win won't happen this season. The 10 race shootout, well, I doubt we'll do it this season. But hey, if enough guys are in favor of it, ya never know.

Re: points system

Post by lepage71 »

Actually I did decide at the last minute to change the points system to have the 5 bonus points for winning. I did not think that change was all that big of a deal. It is a nice little bonus for capturing a victory.

The main reason we decided not to include a playoff is because I felt it was really unfair to drivers outside that "elite" top-10. In our league's case, 10th place may have missed 5 or 6 races, are more than 600-700 points back, and if we did the playoff they would suddenly be vaulted right behind the contenders.

11th place, which might have been just as far back as 10th, is still "stuck in the muck" over 600 points back. But if everyone is in favor of it, we will certainly change it. I would need to see mass support, however, not 3 or 4 drivers.

Re: points system

Post by fireman79 »

I sent punko and big ben an email about the yellow flag thing. here is his response
"Hi Jim,
Sorry, I don't do any game coding for Heat we just make mods.

At this point MGI has no interest in making any other patches for Heat. We use to have access to Dave Broske who is one of the programmers for MGI, He had been kind enough to help us out in the past by writing patches for us. A group of us editors just recently asked him to create a new patch which did include a fix for yellow flag issue and a few other features but Dave never responded to us. So it looks like that will not happen."


Re: points system

Post by efgordon »

i'll go with whatever the league (lp) says, but i would love to see at least the black flag, and stop all the post race speculation. he he

Re: points system

Post by rookiesrock8 »

What he said!

BBFF member


Post by sledge4 »

I also believe that black flag's should be added to race. I think the penalty should be assessed on the spot, not after the fact. Because i think that a black flag may actually be stiffer penalty then a 10 point deduction. Because if you have to come back in again, especially on a short track, chances are, your gonna lose 2 laps and several positions. Were as a 10 point penalty is only 2-3 positions in actuality.

Example, 35 car (sorry bud, don't mean to pick on you), he got a 10 point penalty and finished on lead lap, if black flag is on, he's 1 lap and most likely 2 laps down, which the first car 2 laps down got 134 points and the 35 got 145 points, and that included a 10 point penalty.

A Black flag and chances of losing laps is much more a deterent then winning a race and losing 10 points.


Re: Flags

Post by d3efan »

Lepage is right (about vaulting someone ahead). The current points system will reward the consistent (and present) driver and I think that is fair. Leave it alone I say. We seem to have alot more willing participants this year but not enough to playoff the top ten. It sure will be fun to see how it plays out in the nextel series though.

black flag

Post by CatCatch22 »

The penalty for the black flag takes place right away, its a 15 second penalty in the pits as you leave after you recieving service. I tried this rule in my league. Thought it worked well.

Re: black flag

Post by Viagra6Car »

I say everything is fine the way it is. No need for any changes

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re: black flag

Post by kyle4445 »

I think the BLACKFLAG is the way to go ,then if you get caught its your bad

Re: black flag

Post by Viagra6Car »

Refer to the phoenix subject in the busch series forum if you like black flags...I sure don't for online racing

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re: black flag

Post by Proverb356 »


Did you speed onto pit road at Phoenix? If you did, then you deserve to be black flagged. It would be unfair to the race winner if you won and you kept speeding onto pit road.

Everyone in NHRL is a good driver (including you). The one thing about good drivers is that they own up to occasional mistakes and bad driving. I am sure we could all crunch the numbers and imagine that we should have one the race if so-and-so didn't happen to us. That is just racing.

I think we should definitely keep the black flags. Anything to keep it real is very important and cool. The fastest and yet most controlled drivers deserve to win. Black flags help the best drivers and punish those who aren't paying attention or just don't care.

I probably would have lost a more than 10 points if the black flag was on at NC and I am still for it. I can't be upset with anyone but myself for speeding onto pit road.

Frankly, TommyW got robbed of 6th place because the flag was not on.

Re: Flags

Post by Proverb356 »


As far as I know, the Black Flag is a 15 sec penalty on the offending pit stop. I would have lost 15 seconds and 6th place, but not a lap or two.

Edited by: Proverb356 at: 2/25/04 9:15 pm

Re: Flags

Post by rookiesrock8 »

I have never raced online with black flags so I can't address viagra's situation from last season. Initially I was for black flags after bucsh race at the rock. I reviewed the replay and out of 17 drivers only 4 never sped. I was surprised by the small penalties. In reviewing the replay though, a thought crossed my mind about getting black flagged when a car is speeding. In the busch race lepage was about to cross the pit road line going 44 mph and another car suddenly pushed him and he crossed at 60 mph. No fault of his own but he would have been blacked flagged right? Now I don't know which way to go. You might call it one of those racing deals but I wouldn't want that to happen to me. Maybe a driver should be penalized 1 point for every mph over the speed limit plus 5 for each infraction. If pit roads 45, then if you go 51 you get docked 6 points. The 5 mph cushion has now become the 6,7 and 8 mph cushion. I have faith that Lepage and the admin will do the best they can with this one.

BBFF member

Re: Yellowflags and a playoff system?

Post by lepage71 »

I would like to point out that in online races, all of you will see other cars 12 mph over their actually speed. If a driver is 55 on your replay, it is really 43.

I am sure some of you have noticed this when you page up or page down to see other drivers...they seem to be going faster than you are.

Skoty Speed and I noticed the discrepancy way back in 2002. We raced with eachother and saved the replay and we noticed that each of us was 12 mph faster than we actually were on the opposite's replay. We always keep this factor in mind. So that explains the "all but 4" speeding thing you saw Rookie.

There appears to be both pros and cons involved in using black flags. On one hand, it assesses the penalty to the driver right on the spot which means Skoty, Fred, and I do not need to review it. But on the other side, it penalizes drivers 15 seconds even if they speed by just 1 mph. On most tracks a 15 second penalty means going 1 lap down.

It is something we will look at, and possible put up for vote, in the near future.

black flag

Post by sledge4 »

Ok, I thought you had to go around and come back into pits. But still 15 sec is 15 sec and unless some wants to chance it, it guarantees they need to slow down.


Re: black flag

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Thanks for clearing up the replay thing lepage. Wheww I feel better already.

BBFF member

Re: Yellowflags and a playoff system?

Post by grovet »

I'm up for a vote on black flag. Reduce cheating without taxing admin. Any other penalty assessment would be too tedious like we had in a race I remember last year after a last lap drop.

New point system in my opinion would be ideal for online racing, tho I think it sucks for the real racing Again I say there was nothing boring about last season the way Matthew won. Everyone is just comparing it to some exciting seasons before last. A good team with a consistent driver and some good luck shouldn't be penalized....that's racing. Look how they changed things on the cars to make it closer for mindless fans excitement, and'd that happen....we better change points now too because a good team figured out another way to win. I'm sorry I digress. I'm just an old traditional sole.

Anyway....part of my support for it online is that the real drivers have to show up to make a's their job, and they earn what they get every week. We on the other hand have lives away from sim racing too (unfortunately LOL). We do this for fun as well as the thrill of good competition and friendship. I was taxed to make the last several races last year against better judgement sometimes, because I saw the opportunity and new it was the ony way I had a chance to win the championship. Don't get me wrong...I liked it If lepage for one had made every race, it may have been a totally different story. What it comes down to is I think it would be beneficial overall. Nobody stressed or pissed because they had to miss race(s) and blew their standing because of it. Also, like already mentioned, the added interest in end of season attendance. I think the attendance is possibly being overemphasized. I can understand the poop or get off the pot principle , but it's not like anyone I know of in this league wants to miss a race. And, I don't think they should be considered less than deserving of having a chance because of it. I could be wrong however. Take that pressure away and people may not take it serious enough. Who knows? Now I'm arguing with myself I'll go with whatever admin decides. I just like to race with you all.
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