exit low man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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exit low man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by EagleKeeper »

C-racin...... or who ever it was.... on lap5-7..... if you are going to pit early...... and then exit..... "EXIT LOW AND STAY F-ING LOW"!!!!!!!!!! sorry..... but venting here. got a few beers in me too..... so disreguard please. All i know is this: on the first "Daytona" race of the season..... everyone pitted on or near lap 14 (which was perfect...because everyone was spread out by then). but this time........... a few geniouses decided to pit early..... slowing the field b-4 they pitted.... and then screwing everything up when they decided to exit! "When I exit..... I stay where I am (which is low) until I get up to speed". there were a few confused fools who pulled right up into traffic, as they exited, (their early stop), right into the lead pack. Good Move!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!! There are cars traveling @ 209+ MPH up there! needless to say....... I rear-ended a "redcar" (assuming it to be C-racin.... cuz i saw he was drivin the #77) {not a league car} - which screwed my entire race. If this car wasn't "C-racin" --- sorry man..... but, that kind of racing belongs on IRF (normal realism w/3-5% race length). ........................
this makes me think about why I think it's so important that we have a play-off/championship/top-ten round after mid season.......... because i think that a lot of drivers, drive like retards, depending on who is behind them. for example...... (and I saw this in Heat Racin league) If "Lepage (sorry LP) is behind them...... they just pull over and let him by". ..... "anyone else has to race them". now hold on...... and don't get bent out of shape every-one! "remember..... I'm venting here" ... "and, i'm drunk"! I'm just trying to say that: every race is important,("being that we aren't having a play-off this season") and I feel like I just got taken out of the points race! Some of you guys (lucky/or unlucky) will make every race this yr. I, on the other hand will not......... which makes each and every race very important...... which is what ticks me off that i was wrecked. that is all...... I know that everyone has bad luck from time to time........ but..... I just needed to scream and yell a little bit. no hard feelings, Eagle


sober-er now

Post by EagleKeeper »

sorry about that......... man I was drunk. I know that racin is racin ... and things like what i described above just happen. nothing was intentional ... I'm sure of it. I will keep my mouth shut now and see you all @ Vegas.

Re: sober-er now

Post by fatfreddy17 »

There is nothing wrong with "venting", and letting others know how you feel. That is one use for this forum.

Keep in mind that guys will make mistakes, please don't be too harsh on any one individual.

AND it's a long season, Eaglekeeper, sober up and try again next week!

Have some faith in the administrators, we see all, we know all!

Skoty Speed


Post by Skoty Speed »

This warning is directed to everyone, not just Eagle.
OK, I'm only gonna say this once, so read it carefully. As Fred said venting is fine. BUT, when it's directed at one individual it
becomes offensive. It's offensive to said individual and to those of us that put in hours of our time to make this league
enjoyable for everyone. The only reason it wasn't deleted was to give everyone an example of what will NOT be tolerated.
We understand conflicts will come up, and will be dealt with.
I refer to the rules page. Section 2, #4, If you come into conflict with a driver, e-mail a league official FIRST!
Maybe some of you think I'm being a bit harsh. Fact is, it's crap like this that almostended this league a few years back.
Lepage, Fred, and myself have put in way to much time and effort to build this league back up to let that happen again.
We do not accept the"I was drunk excuse" or any excuse for that matter. Bottom line, it is UNACCEPTABLE, and will NOT
be tolerated.
So,(and this goes for everyone) if you want to remain a part of this league, you WILL take up conflicts with league administrators and not make posts like this one.


P.S. We have a new e-mail addy that is just for such issues. admins@nascarheatracingleague.com

Edited by: Skoty Speed at: 2/29/04 4:57 pm

yes sir

Post by EagleKeeper »

tell ya what........ i just won't make any posts at all. sheeeesh

Re: exit low man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by lepage71 »

Eagle, this was not an unreasonable response from Skoty. He hit the nail right on the head. I know you do not appreciate us using your post as an example, but this post should not have been created in the first place.

The proper place to vent your concerns or frustrations are right here : admins@nascarheatracingleague.com

You were not around for the last two years in this league and in most cases trouble was caused by posts like this, even if the poster did not mean any harm. We are not "mad" at you, but we do not like those kinds of posts. Accidents happen, and you obviously understand this, but this reaction was not necessary.

We are not saying you cannot post an opinion on here. But the opinion in your post focuses too much on a certain driver and comes across as an attack. You could have posted something about the pit exits without this edge to the post. Hopefully this clears this type of situation up for everyone now and in the future.

ok man .... got it

Post by EagleKeeper »

alrighty then..... I agree, and I will say that I am sorry, as I already did in then second post that I made on this topic...... I stated that i am sorry for saying what i said and that i realized that racin is racin and stuff like that happens. I didn't mean for any hard feelings toward anyone...... I guess I just take this whole competitive thingy to seriously it's almost humerous how real this game can get for some drivers (ie- me). i mean..... my response is almost the same kind of thing that you see in the "post-race-interviews" from some of the "real nascar drivers"..... those guys take it pretty serious as well..... and it is quite obvious from what they say after the races about other drivers. maybe, it stems from the ole "role model thing" and i'm taking after the ones that i admire...... which is a bad atribute, that .... even they are not proud of. but most of their comments that we see on TV..... weather it's "Nextel Cup, Busch series, or CTS"..... are made through, and stem from all the emotions that are brought about from hardcore competition and racing..... which is some thing that this league is full of...... I didn't say it in my previous post.... but this NHRL is full of the fastest, smartest, cleanest, and best overall racers that I have ever seen on IRF! Actually..... when I race in this league...... I am nervous. I start getting anxious saturday night..... and the anxiety usually screws up my "Qualify lap". then.... once the race starts..... I usually have shakey hands and can't get settled down until about the race's half way point.... as far as nerves go. and this all is caused by the high intensity level that is brought about by quality competition. I'm one of this leagues biggest fans....... I check the web site and forums twice a day..... once b-4 work.... and once after i get off work. most of the time..... I am disappointed by the lack of posts on here...... mainly, because I want to know what is up with my race buddies (is someone having trouble with a setup at this weeks track?..... is someone having trouble with a car tex file/paint?..... is someone posting Q times or lap times on the next race track?....... or .... some of the best posts are----- "someone ticked off or angry about what happened to them in the previous weeks race"). it's almost better than watching "post race interviews" on TV following a Nascar event...... mainly..... because we were all a part of it..... and some racers may have wondered what happened during the past weeks race. they don't want to hear - "these 4 racers were taken out by a lap 6 wreck" ..... they want to hear what happened..... and they want to hear both sides of the story. or.... at least, that's what i want to hear. I mean..... if you're leading the pack..... and you see 3-4 cars drop off the pace...... you kind of wonder what exactly happened. I'm not the only one that was taken out by "a certain driver" ...... and I'm sure others are ticked off as well. I thought that the "forums" is where we all talk, gripe, and read about the past races occurances. but..... i guess not. I guess we will all just read in the "race summary" - that: "6 drivers were taken out on lap 5" ... and then we will wonder how and why. but never realy know because we don't want to hurt someones feelings. We all are a bunch of "competitive fools" that's why we practice, tweek, BS, and keep showing up for league events. we live for it....... it's in our competitive blood! and we will continue to bite, scratch, claw, and "peck" {what an Eagle does} to find our selves in victory lane! Heat-Racin.com's forums were sweet...... especially in the CTS forum...... If you weren't talkin smack, Bull-Sh!ttin about a lap time or pit stradegy, or complaining about another racer........... you just weren't in the game!!! EA sports says -- "If it's in the Game" ...... "It's in the game!!!!"
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's get racin Fellas!!!!!
and...... if you want to talk some Smack....... I approve and talk it straight to my email addy :tmraz25@hotmail.com I enjoy the competitive nature of the whole thing!!!!!! Brijng it on!!!! HEEEEEEE - HAAAAAWW!!!!!!!!!!!
but...... I want to say sorry once again to anyone I have offended by my previous posts........ it was all in the competitive fun of it. But..... if you're still ticked at me..... no worries..... this will be my last post...... with exception to "sub needed" posts in the subs forum.
Cya on race day................ Eagle

Poor time management

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Eagle your time is not being spent wisely! That last post must have taken hours pecking 1 letter at a time (as eagle's do). You should have been practicing for Vegas cuz in my world the Eagle is not a protected species. Time is money and it looks like your paying me THIS weekend

BBFF member

Re: Poor time management

Post by lepage71 »

Hey...the forum's open for idle chat. We have no problem with drivers discussing what went wrong in a wreck as long as we don't see the symptoms of an attack (i.e. capital letters, exclamations points, the like...lol).

I liked how you guys in HeatRacin discussed each race...someone get posting!

And I don't know...but I think this is where V6 steps in about Rookiesrock and says "those are fighting words."

Edited by: lepage71 at: 3/1/04 10:50 pm

Re: Poor time management

Post by sledge4 »

Hey, i think alittle rivalry and battling would be good for story lines and competition. I think we've weeded out the guys who would take things "extra" personal and tag revenge on the track. A little donut here and there between rivals doesn't hurt. We're trying to "be like Nascar", yet we try to kill part of what makes Nascar exiting to both casual fans (ie, only watch daytona 500) and hardcore fans (ie, guys who convince the new wife to go to a Pocono race on there honeymoon 5yrs ago, oh yeah, that was me ).

See u guys this weekend.



Re: bye bye cup

Post by efgordon »

at the current pace (1.495 banned drivers per race) the cup league will only last about another 12-14 weeks anyway. he he ha! the place to RACE is in the busch. ha ha!


Very Interesting

Post by Haulinace007 »

I'm not in Cup (wish I was) but your guys' forum is alot more fun to read. I've raced with all you guys and know that everyone of you are good hard clean racers. I'll be doing some subbing so you best look out. lol Have a great season maniacs!!

Re: Very Interesting

Post by grovet »

Hey Eagle. Most of us know how you feel...been there. That's what makes the league good is the spirit. It's sometimes nice to hear someone else's frustration, so you don't feel alone on it. Doesn't mean much will be done about it all the time, but better than stewing and/or talking behind someone's back. We just have to move on. Problem they are trying to prevent is pointing at someone that may have made a mistake and are generally good to have around. And they will improve on their mistakes. I've seen it happen. There is a nameless driver that I thought was quite reckless often last year, but I didn't say much or anything. He came around, and has generally been a pleasure to race with since. You sometimes just have to learn from it and adjust your driving around someone...like at the s/f line at daytona on most servers. Lepage is an example of this. You often see him telling someone to pass low or something to avoid a potential incident. If you're too upset..or drunk LOL...it's better to just say it to an admin member. You can use a name then. No harm no foul. Posts just have to be thought out...probably sober is best If it makes you feel any better, and as a case in point, I'm usually a pretty sure bet to be a top five car under normal circumstances at Daytona . You can see the replay if you want for yourself. Things got frustrating for me too. I buried it with lepage though. They will listen and not hold it against you as long as you can leave it there. I would like to remind everyone tho that "sry" is common courtesy on the track.

Re: Very Interesting

Post by chevy4life21 »

i see why u were upset......been there myself plenty of times...but like grove said.....gotta bury it deep and take ur competitive spirit from 1 track to another and NEVER give up.....like example.....in 2003 i joined NASTRACK...with already missing 1st race...and 2 more during the year...but i never gave up...and won the championship by less than 30 pts
don't always gotta win the race.....just gotta finish the best u can and have FUN doin it no matter what the circumstances are chevy4life

Shots on me!!

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Hey Eagle, personally I don't care if you sober up! Say what you feel. It gives you character. And we (or I anyways) want an Eagle that shows courage and the will to be free!! So fly high Eagle and spread your wings cuz your the symbol of freedom. Next time just don't use names. Say something else like Dool or something. Lol. New rule, everyone that drives goofy we call dool, lmao.
Anyways I like you choice of entertainment Eagle, just no names. Have a drink on me. Lol.

BBFF member

Re: Shots on me!!

Post by CR49 »

I would have thought you would choose CR49 to use for any goofy,wild drivers Rookie LOL

Re: Shots on me!!

Post by CR49 »

I know I dont race here, but I have been reading this and I've decided to write my opinion. Eagle you keep talking about the playoff/shootout. Well what if this happened in the playoff/shootout? I think it would be harder to make the points in that short stretch then it will be in the 30 some races that are left. You just cant give up and count yourself out yet. I've ran in leagues before where Ive gotten taken out and on my roof in the first race, and have come back to win the championship or finish a couple points back. As a matter of fact the last series I ran I was taken out the first race, didnt win a race the whole series and another driver and I were tied going into the final race. This other driver ended up with the championship 4 points ahead of me and with 3 wins to my no wins. Now this all is racing DTR,but the point I'm trying to make is still the same, you cant give up and you have to finish every race your able to. I'm not trying to debate with you or anything Eagle, I just think that your a good,smart driver and as long as you are able to stay in races and not get too frustrated you will be in contention to win the championship. I think this is where I'll end my novel for today LOL

Re: Shots on me!!

Post by grovet »

LOL Rookies your killing me. Dool.... , not everyone might have got that. Points well made. Look at my record (still posted). I had some bad ones last year and still won championship. I think from now on you should express yourself, but use Dool in place of someone's name . And have another on me Eagle I had at least one every race last year. Takes the edge off Maybe that's my problem this season.

Re: Shots on me!!

Post by fatfreddy17 »

Who's gonna be N2TONY20? Skoty? Me?

and, and , and, I wanna be Twinkie - The - Kid


Edited by: fatfreddy17 at: 3/5/04 8:04 am

Re: Shots on me!!

Post by fireman79 »

i prefer snow balls myself fred just wish they would quit changing the color. Pink for valentines, green for st. patrick and white for whatever.
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