Wrecking 101 and NHRL Dictionary

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Wrecking 101 and NHRL Dictionary

Post by sledge4 »

Apparently, I was "dooled" as you put it early on the race tonight. A wreck occurred within the first couple laps of the race on the final RS, but instead of hanging high until field cleared, a "dool" decided it would be cool to come basically straight across the track after staying high initially. Which in doing so, ended my night as far as good points fetching.

I know we've had these kinds of problems in the past seasons fellas, but can we please practice the art of staying clear until the field passes before we decide to either go from the outside wall to the bottom or vice versa.

I understand sometimes guys are out of control intially, but this "comping dool" was well under control.

Please either stay high or low depending on where the accidents momentum takes you. Guys behind you try to gage the proper place to go, but that doesn't mean "comp" when other "dools" don't give a rats "comp".

I like that "dool" term, maybe we could use others too.

I think we should start a NHRL Glossary of Terms Dictionary to use when writing posts:

"Dool" (do' ol) doolee, doolor - Used to bleep a drivers name. (ex. Dool has a good race)
"Comp" (com' p) comped, comping, comps - Used in place of a expletive. (ex. Who the comped are you)
"73" (seventy three) 73'd - Refers to disregard of other drivers. (ex. He was 73'd buy that dool, suching a comping comp)
"n2tony0" (n' two' toe' knee' zero) - Used to show disregard for the league. (ex. This comping league comps, i'm gonna start a new one and everyone will join me.)
"verm" (ver' m) - The act of revenge. (ex. Dool may try to verm me again if I get near him)

Hope everyone gets a laugh out of that, lol. Feel free to add to my dictionary.


Edited by: sledge4 at: 3/7/04 12:31 am

Re: Wrecking 101 and NHRL Dictionary

Post by lepage71 »

Well I cannot think of any but one bizarre incident was the opening 2003 Daytona NBS race last year.

Remember duckman? A committed league driver, never seemed to have any trouble with anyone. But this one thing he did was so random and Skoty and I are still wondering exactly what it was all about. He just came in the server and promptly private messaged me, "F U."

He then left the server and we have never heard from duckman again. Strange huh?

Edited by: lepage71 at: 3/7/04 12:52 am

Re: Wrecking 101 and NHRL Dictionary

Post by d3efan »

Dude you're on a roll! Loved the dictionary thing. But I know where you're comin from. You were "comped" by someone trying to get an extra restart by taking out as many cars as possible. I believe. Let's not do that people. "People!" It works sometimes but... Hey if you've been comped your basically screwed after the 3rd restart, leave the rest alone.

PS. I was "clearly" the car to beat tonight. Sigh...when will that 1st win come?

Re: Wrecking 101 and NHRL Dictionary

Post by CR49 »

What a Quackhead.

Re: Wrecking 101 and NHRL Dictionary

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Dooloed ya dooled! That's the ticket ya dooled. I was dooled once too.

BBFF member

good race

Post by EagleKeeper »

sorry D3..... but I think I was clearly the car to beat starting 3rd.... I quickly began setting myself up, to over-take Chevy4life on turn 3 of lap 2.... (my heart was pumping so hard i could feel it in my neck)... the intensity level was high.... but then we restarted . on the second restart.... I got a better jump than the first time and was ready to set Chevy4life up for the pass on turn 3 of lap one. as i dove my Citco Ford down toward the lower lane.... we restarted now i could feel my heart pumping in my neck, chest, and arms I didn't know how much more of this excitement i could take sooo..... now, on the 3rd restart..... i was going to pass Chevy on the back straight on lap 1..... I got down under his car... and as we exited turn 2, his car wiggled a bit, lost a tiny bit of speed, and then I "DOOL-ED" myself by rear-ending him. it was just a bump....... but it was enough to ruin my front spoiler causeing a terrible "push". Chevy slowly pulled away and car after car passed the #93 Machine. I'd have to say..... I really wanted that 4th RS. I even thought about pulling a Comp..... but decided to hold on to my pushing-nonturning-illhandling-POS car until lap 15 so I could pit. During this time, I lost tons of time and ground.... which cost me the win. I took 2nd..... 0.9 sec back it was a good race I just wish Ace didn't sub for Grove...... LOL

just noticed something

Post by EagleKeeper »

do we get 5 points for pole? if so.... that's cool I just saw that Chevy got 10 bonus points and wondered if it was a type error.... or bonus points for pole
probably pole points

just remembered something>>>

Post by EagleKeeper »

hey..... this is kind of funny...... but sucked for me during the entire race. one of the drivers that retired from the race last night really made it tuff on me when it came to finding my pit box. their car was smoking like crazy, as it sat there on pit road. there was so much smoke..... I couldn't see where my pit box was. it sure did make it challenging to hit my pit stall! i'll check my replay and see if I can email the league some pictures of what i was going through. l0l


Post by EagleKeeper »

the replay doesn't show the smoke...... but trust me.... it was crazy SH_T!

Re: fudge

Post by lepage71 »

I saw the smoke Eagle, and it was quite distracting lol.

Yes there are 5 points for the pole.

Hey Cup Guys

Post by Haulinace007 »

I just want you to know that Vegas was an awesome race and I do consider myself very lucky to have stayed out of the accidents. This race was important to me cuz I know Grove is a championship contender and he trusted me to get him a good finish. I'm trying to make a run for the championship in Busch, but this race felt as good to get for him as it would have for myself. Thank you guys you are all a bunch of awesome racers. ACE

Re: Hey Cup Guys

Post by grovet »

Love the sense of humor guys. Keep it up all, and it will be a fun season Keep digging

Re: one more for the dic.......

Post by efgordon »

when your cruising along in 2nd with zero damage and the fastest car on the track with old tires and you over shoot your pit and wreck head first into the pit wall, you have successfully "EF'ED" your pit. he ha!


Re: one more for the dic.......

Post by fireman79 »

here is one for the dictionary. If you are sitting in your pit and get slammed out of it...........your FIREd lol. Also, last weekend My pit was between 2 smoking cars. It was rough to find my pit and get out. If you are gonna check out of the race, make sure you put the fire out first. lol

Re: one more for the dic.......

Post by d3efan »

Yep Eagle, you're right. I was just b.s.ing. The only thing "clear" to me was I was gonna get my butt kicked! lol But hey, I could at least see the leaders.

Know how ya feel Eagle

Post by Haulinace007 »

Thats the same thing that happened to me the night before in the Busch race. I barely got into the back of someone and my spoiler was damaged, and my car wouldn't exit the corner worth a crap. And if you notice the pit crew fixes the damage, but not all the way. I feel I would have had a better finish there, but I can't complain about the 3rd I got considering how it was handling. See if I can't get a better finish at Darlington..
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