patience?? out the window in cup

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patience?? out the window in cup

Post by fireman79 »

Why do some drivers not have a little patience. 5 laps to go and i get rammed going into turn 1, the rules state that it is ok to follow behind a slower car for a couple laps to give him an opportunity to move over. the driver who got me tonight was definately faster and could have went around with a little patience. But NO...he drives right into my bumper in 1 and I wiggle, then he does it again in 2 finally coming to my inside, of course by now I am a little out of control so.....hmm....i rub him as he is passing.....and he has the balls to call me names and flame me privately as soon as we get back to the chat room....what the heck is wrong with some guys??? do i get an apology for being rammed......NO....I get blamed for not pulling to the apron and cheering him on.....last i remember, this is racing and with 5 or so to go, i am not pulling over, if you are faster, take it honestly, i have no problem with that.
well there it is, i vented, mentioned no names...

patience?? out the window in cup

Post by EagleKeeper »

Excessive blocking, swerving, or contact between cars will be penalized at the digression of league officials. Protecting your position is fine, but once a car is alongside of you there will be no purposeful contact. This includes pinching a car low to the apron.
Skoty Speed

Re: patience?? out the window in cup

Post by Skoty Speed »

There will be no penalties for this incident.

This one could of been avoided. Fire could have gone high and let Eagle by (though he's not required to when its for position). Eagle could have been more patient and waited for an opening to pass. (When you bump someone coming out of turn 2, you can expect he's gonna get loose).

Thats the official ruling on this.

Case closed.


Re: patience?? out the window in cup

Post by fireman79 »

i respect the admin's decision but don't really understand part of it. What you said was I have the right to fight for my postion, so why does he get no penalty for hitting me???
And the rule about flaming?? why no penalty for that?
how do you respond to this?


Post by EagleKeeper »

me hitting you..... or "ramming" you like you said in the above post..... well.... if you look at replay.... they were "bumps".... and they weren't intentional.... they were caused by a slow car trying to keep a faster car behind them. if you look at replay stats.... the driver that was "ramming" you was off the gas in both situations. if the driver that was behind you really wanted to "ram/hit" you.... he would have spun you around.... which is something he knows how to do. so quit your crying
Skoty Speed

Re: Re:

Post by Skoty Speed »

We don't penalize for incidental contact. Which is what we believe it was in this case. Eagle was driving a bit more aggressively than we like to see, but he didn't get into Fire intentionally.

As far as the flaming. When it's done in a p.m. We can't penalize something we don't see. We need proof. If it happens again (to anyone) get a screen shot of it and send it to us. Other than that there's nothing we can do.


Re: Re:

Post by fireman79 »

not crying eagle, just dissapointed in the whole thing. You have been very disrespectful to me. You say you did not do it intentional but you also say you know how to do it intentional if you want. that tells me you are a dirty driver when you want to be. If I hit someone unintentionally, the first thing I do is apologize (as do the other good drivers in this league) yet you continue to be rude and disrespectful. you say it was my fault that YOU hit ME...hmmm if i go into a corner and come on a slower car i will take the line that is open and usually complete the pass. that is just good driving.

Re: patience?? out the window in cup

Post by CR49 »

Anybody can do it intentional when they want. I guess that makes everyone dirty drivers when they want.

man o man

Post by Viagra6Car »

How dare everyone start talking about fire like this . The man is not a complainer, but rather expecting to be raced as he races others. Knowing fire at all, you can be sure he didn't make up the stuff about the flaming, but Skoty I do see how you can't penalize it (other people could say they were being flamed too, and you'd have to be consistent on rulings)

I've never had a problem with EK or fire and never expect to. Looks like we've got a real pickle to sort out here eh

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re: man o man

Post by CR49 »

Sounds to me like just a racing deal, I think both drivers should just virtually shakes hands and come to an agreement.

Re: man o man

Post by d3efan »

I agree CR49, this could get out of hand. I wont even chime in about the rough handling I received at Atlanta by another driver because I've come to the conclusion that you just never know what the other guy is seeing sometimes. Let me explain, there was this guy just wearing out my rear bumper at Daytona when I was loose as heck and I finally spun out after about the 10th beating. His replay showed nothing of the sort, just drafting (at least that's what he said lol) and I would agree with that because you know the damage ramming someone causes your own bumper. He WAS hitting me otherwise I wouldnt have spun. 17 computers trying to coordinate...well, I expect there could be some lag at times eh? Am I off base here?

Re: man o man

Post by CR49 »

I dont think your way off base, it makes logical sense.

After reading these...

Post by Haulinace007 »

After reading these posts I'm glad I didn't sub, sounds like you guys had a heck of a time. You guys are all great drivers and I hope you guys can someday come to a truths...

see or not see

Post by CatCatch22 »

as for not sure what you see on your screen compared to someone else's. I think that could be fixed by using the high bandwidth option (I forgot the name of it in the options file). It would allow us to see spins and when other cars get loose and every single detail we don't usually see using awe now i remember "server fat". Unfortunately the bandwidth needed to do that would not allow us to race 17-18 drivers. Best thing is just to give someone room or go around them.

Re: see or not see

Post by scrooluice »

I've been bucking for running fat servers, since that's what we were running toward the end at HeatRacin, but we didn't have near that many drivers at the time. That being said, this dedicated server we're running is supposed to have an upload of 1200bps, which is more than four times the upload I had running a fat server for half the drivers (256bps). In theory, the server should be able to support it, individual connnections among the drivers would be the only holdback. There are several among us that want to see just how far we can go with this server, and I think that trying out the fat option would be a good way to push the envelope. Of course, it would take a great deal of testing before we could ever introduce it to league events, but to me it seems worth the effort. Just my two cents.

P.S. Sorry I wrote so much.

#13 Oakley Ford
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