Son-of-a-BLEEP! ... again!

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Son-of-a-BLEEP! ... again!

Post by EagleKeeper »

ok...... "F"-it I'm not talking about the NHRL....... I'm talking about the real NextelCup crap! I have been a "Jeff Burton" #99 fan for years now. I've got "Exide" T-shirts & hats.... as well as "Citgo" T-shirts, hats, shotglasses, and window stickers, etc. ...... but..... I'm done! Jeff Burton has disgraced me for the last time...... and you know what??? I don't like any of the other "Ford" racers! Kenstheth???? =Nerd!! Martin= OldTimmer! Rudd= last place every year till retirement!!! Kurt Busch = A$$ Hole till death! etc! etc!...... the "Eagle" is now switching to Dodge!!!! this is not a "last minute--spur of the moment type deal" ..... I have been watching a certain driver for a while now...... and his name is Brendan Gaughan. As of right now..... I have a #77 Dodge in the Fab shop...... which is on it's way to the paint shop now. Sorry Ford Fans....... but..... I can't follow #99 anymore. TommyW is a lucky Mutha-F___er!!!! that lucky S.O.B. is going to the Texas race!!!!
Hey Tommy...... I want a #77 Window sticker to replace my #99 sticker........ and I also want a #77 hat and T-shirt. get with me for the $. thanks Eagle
P.S. pleas check downloads page b-4 the Texas race for my new #77 Dodge car. ty EK

Re: Son-of-a-BLEEP! ... again!

Post by scrooluice »

TRAITOR!!! I finally leave the world of "virtual" Chevy's and climb into a Ford, and now you leave us for Mopar? What gives?

#13 Oakley Ford

Re: Son-of-a-BLEEP! ... again!

Post by EagleKeeper »

well...... no worries just yet.... hehehe I've been working on a #77 Dodge for hours now..... and just can't find a cool scheme. Soooo..... I may just end up driving a ford..... but rooting for a dodge on Sundays... lol

Re: Son-of-a-BLEEP! ... again!

Post by CR49 »

Brendan "The Suckup" Gaughan what the heck are you thinking lol.
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