Loading of Website?

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Loading of Website?

Post by sledge4 »

Am I the only one who's internet window locks up everytime they load the NHRL homepage? The last 2 days this been happening, so I was thinking that maybe my ISP had been having problems, but as soon as I end task on that page, I have no problems on any other site.

Just wanted to bring it up in case there is a problem with the site that wasn't known.


me 2 camry

Post by EagleKeeper »

yeah man...... I have been having the same problem.... lol... and I was thinking it was either my computer or my connection. I was actually just getting ready to defrag my PC to see if i could fix the problem. but.... it must just be the web page


Post by fatfreddy17 »

Twinkies load pretty quick, at least I think so. ( unload even faster, wink, wink, nod, nod )

So, I will try to get a twinkie on the main page ( and my name ) for the results of Bristol. Maybe that will help.


Re: Loading of Website?

Post by sledge4 »


Is there something that can be done to address the homepage lockup every time it's loaded. I'm not the only one having the issue and it really sucks that I can't access pages on the homepage (ie, q laps, setups, standings).



Re: Loading of Website?

Post by rookiesrock8 »

My java file loading is what locks mine up. Hitting reload fixes that for me.

BBFF member

Re: Loading of Website?

Post by lepage71 »

I am not sure because my computer does not seem to have any problems. The front page is loaded with info...so that is probably why

Re: Loading of Website?

Post by EagleKeeper »

last week..... when I posted here in this forum...... my junk was slow for loading the web page...... but, it's flying now I suggest deleting all of your cookies, temporary internet files, do a disk cleanup, and then defrag see if that helps anyone
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