Find the Cow Challenge!

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Find the Cow Challenge!

Post by lepage71 »

Obviously, no one has found it yet...but somewhere on the NHRL site is a secret and hidden link to a "Cow Page." You will know you have hit the page when you see the picture of a cow next to the league logo. This cow page has been on the site for a few months, but only now am I making public its existence. On this cow page you will find an interesting and worthwhile surprise.

It is unlikely that you will find this page by hunting for it, although it improves your odds. Rather, it will likely be someone just stumbling upon it.

Whomever finds it, be sure to let us know and you can receive the stated prize.

This is just supposed to be a fun and agonizing little chase to see who finds it first. If no one finds it after months and months, a few hints might be leaked out. Then again, someone might find it right away. Either way, just keep in mind that there is this hidden link somewhere, lurking on the site.

(This is for real)
Good luck!

Re: Find the Cow Challenge!

Post by d3efan »

Sneaky, just plain, sneaky.
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