Pocono race non-sense.

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Pocono race non-sense.

Post by sledge4 »

This race needs to be re done or something. I get disconnected 4 laps into race and Chev can't even start the race without disconnecting.

It's obvious that there are "connection" problems with the servers.

Edited by: sledge4 at: 7/31/04 11:33 pm

Re: Pocono race non-sense.

Post by lepage71 »

Just a note, chevy had problems with his Pocono and with NASCAR Heat, it was not connection-related.

Not sure what else to say about that because disconnects are random and just plain stink . Unfortunately the league server had an off night, nothing that we can do about that, big storms where it is stationed.

No one was disconnected during the rest of the race and there as no warp, I felt Eaglekeeper was kind in hosting and his server did the job of replacing the league one.

either way it is bad luck and a bum deal, sorry

Re: Pocono race non-sense.

Post by sledge4 »

Yeah, it sucked for me because I worked extra hard this week, because i'm getting sick of having crappy setups, then I get a decent one, running 3rd on the 4th lap and get disconnected.

I know it's not any one person's fault.

Kinda makes me not want to try that hard anymore.

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