Nascar Heat Wheel Settings

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Re: Nascar Heat Wheel Settings

Post by rookiesrock8 »

I use the trim setting in the individual setup for 2 reasons. Most of the time to help my car go straight down the straightaways usually the setting is between 50 and 150 and if I'm turning the car too much in the turns and its getting loose I set it a click or 2 up. These settings do vary between setups and different wheels and of course different driving styles. Start with the straightaways first.

BBFF member
Just Pop

Nascar Heat Wheel Settings

Post by Just Pop »

First I would like to thank Skoty for getting me a setup guide. I have worked on a few setups and have greatly increased my speed. Now to the meat and potatoes of this topic. I cannot keep my vehicle in line for nothing. It is loose and hard to control. Can someone let me know if it is my setup I have done which is to loose or is it the fact my wheel settings are not correct. I hope someone would share there wheel settings with me so I can see if I have about the same or am I far from it.
Just Pop

Re: Nascar Heat Wheel Settings

Post by Just Pop »

I cannot believe what you told me about the trim. And do you know why, simply because my blind no seeing self never even saw that in the garage. When I read your reply I had no idea what you were talking about. I had to look and when I was about to give up I found it and of course found the problem. Now I can say this to U

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