OK then I'll start the tread...

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OK then I'll start the tread...

Post by d3efan »

Heckofarace. Beak, you were fast but YOU were warping too. It was hard to follow ya. Saw it during the race and on the replay. Maybe why Camry had a hard time letting you by. But all I can say is ...WoooooooooooHooooooo!

Seals were clubbed.

Re: OK then I'll start the tread...

Post by sledge4 »

whoa, lol, who had a hard time passing me?


Wbrv, Sledge4, Camry
Managing Partner

warpin Eagle

Post by EagleKeeper »

sorry all for the warping sat. I don't know how or why i was warping. I first noticed it when I was trying to pass the 88.... but i thought it was him. then i noticed it a little more..... and more. then while leading.... I was nailed by Ram who was flying sideways on the back stretch. It totally destroyed my car and the next thing i know...... I saw ram type "xxxxxxxxx>>>" He was in the pits..... lol weird. so i pitted and continued. then I saw more warp..... I was really hoping that it was the server and everyone was seeing warp. then I was nailed by Skotty on the back stretch (who was also pitting). I now was beginning to think it was just me with the warp..... but continued. finally i was wrecked a 3rd time by a pitting car on the back stretch. all of these cars were in their pit stalls when they all of a sudden, flew straight across the haulers and the infield and were collected into the #93 as if i had a giant magnet under my car. I decided to quit the race..... but wanted to stay and watch. so, i pulled into the back stetch pit lane and just hit the "page up" key to watch all my buds race. then all of a sudden..... while i was in Groves car..... (riding with him).... he pulled in the pits.... and Groves car, Grove, and me all 3 went for the ride of our lifes as we launched from the front stretch pit box (of the #1 car) all the way over to the backstretch "parked" orange #93 Dodge - smashed the 93 real good.... and then flew back into the #1's pit box. I'm telling ya..... It was an exciting ride!!! i laughed a bit..... then disconnected.
I just think the "bad mojo god" of racing had my number saturday. I figured something like this would happen. I knew it would..... mainly because... this is the first week since the beginning of the season that i had practiced and tweeked and even created a killer Qualify setup. I was planning on winning..... and had the setup to do it this time. I don't know what was wrong..... but recently i downloaded AOL messenger (which wasn't on) and i will now delete / uninstall it. Also I was driving a new car. Lepager..... did you put a curse on that #93 or something??? See ya all @ Miami.... where i think i will drive my blue citgo car.

Re: warpin Eagle

Post by lepage71 »


Re: warpin Eagle

Post by bover907 »

My kids have the AOL instant messanger on my computer, and It doesn't cause me any problems like that. Plus I have ICQ too. I only noticed three cars warping, Eagle, the Oreo car, (Chevyforlife?) and Gumby11. I knew it wasn't me because the other cars weren't warping.

Eagle, out of like 15 races I have ran so far, I have had maybe 4 or 5 good setups I really tweaked on that I thought could top 5 or win the race, and EVERY SINGLE TIME something happens. There was the apron incedent while hollering at my 14 Y/O daughter at Tally, and the non-working pit crew at Lowes' O.K. so, maybe both of those incidents were kinda my fault, I pulled too close to the wall at Lowes, I think. But either way, I can run a hudred practice races, and then crap happens during the real race. Then there's Phoenix, where my wheel and peddals just up and quit responding. I didn't have a winning truck there, but a top 3-5 one for sure. I usually have good luck subbing for cup drivers, though. Go figure.

re:Warpin Eagle

Post by Ramrock41 »

Eagle,..Heres what I saw during the race and on my replay:, on lap 56 I went low in turn 4 to make my pitstop I went around another driver that was low and droped down onto the apron, I was slowing my car down to make the turn and the pit road speed limit, but just before the turn I was slamed in the rear by eaglekeeper which sent me up the track into the outside wall and after hitting the wall I was hit by another driver which sent me into a big spin hitting the outside and inside walls,by the time I was done the rear of the car and the front of the car wear folded up in the cockpit. So bover I know exactly were your coming from as far as working all week on a setup and thinking you have a top 3-5 setup only for somthing to happen during the race to take you out,...I guess they call that BAD LUCK,lol.
and Eagle,..at the time I was mad as heck just like you probly were,..But,as we all know warping is somthing that cant be controled so I guess your off the hook buddy ( no big deal ) and as some would say:-better luck next time,...lol. But I seem to allways have that kind of luck right Lepage,...

Re: re:Warpin Eagle

Post by Ramrock41 »

Oh and by the way: great win d3 exellent job buddy. and for those who dont know,...I was running d3's setup so I know I could have been a top 3 - 5 finisher, that setup ran great off line,.,.and again congrads to d3efan,..yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa,

Re: re:Warpin Eagle

Post by lepage71 »

My favorite incident was the 2nd-at-Bristol wheel failure!

sorry again and thanks fred

Post by EagleKeeper »

yeah..... it sucked for all involved. sorry again Ram. I'll email ya some pics of what i saw. it was crazy warpin sh!t.
thanks for the parasite removal help Fred..... i removed all kinds of bad stuff off my computer. I think it was porn stuff...... cuz after removing all the bad files and parasites..... all of my porn was gone as well
but.... i think i got my pc running good again now.

Re:Warpin Eagle

Post by Ramrock41 »

Hey! I didnt think that was very funny,..lol Oh well, it wont never happen again I bolted the dang thing to the desk right after that... and no problem Eagle,.not your fault.. Hey I quit going to those porn sites years ago because of that,..lol

Re: Re:Warpin Eagle

Post by grovet »

Ref. using D3's setup Ram...just goes to show it takes some skill to drive it too That is just blaspheme lepage, berating those you named for not posting on here Actually, I've made like 2 other accounts before this one, but keep forgetting user name and password
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