Camry may need a sub.

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Camry may need a sub.

Post by sledge4 »

I forgot about a suprise b-day party tonight, so I may or not be able to make it back in time for the race.

If I don't, I just wanted to thank everyone for a fun season. My only regret is that i'm not more competitive on a weekly basis. It gets boring moving aside for the leaders for 75% of races we run. Think i'll start a league and only have Daytona, Dega, Mich, Bristol, Cali, lol.

See you guys in speedweeks '05.


Wbrv, Sledge4, Camry
Managing Partner

Re: Camry may need a sub.

Post by Viagra6Car »

i might be able to run if i get home from hockey before racetime

i had a bad showing last night...the car was too good for the driver, but i think i can do a lot better tonight

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re: Camry may need a sub.

Post by efgordon »

didnt you retire last night?

you didnt even go 24 hours before changing your mind

even micheal jordan and roger clemens wait out the offseason before they change thier minds. geeeeesh

btw- how can you retire from something your not really in anyway? its kind of like heath shulers nfl retirement.

ha ha ha ha ha

just wanted to poke fun at ya one more time v6

try staying left of the wall tonight

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