IROC series

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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IROC series

Post by EagleKeeper »

i'm curious to find out more about the IROC series. Many questions>>> when will it take place? dates? times? saturday or sundays? What tracks can we expect to race on? and how many? wear factor? laps? Will it be ID setups? hope not.... but if it is ID setups.... when will they be posted so we can practice w/ them? also..... where can we download the iroc mod?
Note: If SS needs help painting the IROC cars... I can lend a hand. especially if it's Tommy's car... (I want to paint it pink for Tommy ... it's his favorite color)

Re: IROC series

Post by lepage71 »

The mod is finished, but do not worry, for it is of the usual (and expected) NHRL quality.

There will be 4 races, since there are 4 races in the real IROC series. We will run identical race setups with open qualifying setups. Right now the races will likely be the same time as CUP, but it is not decided yet.

Finally, the mod should be on the site once the championship and season stuff is completed. The short IROC series will start approximately one month after the mod is released.

car numbers and colors

Post by EagleKeeper »

hey SS..... did you put the #93 on the side of the "EagleKeeper" car? BTW.... just in case anyone wondered where the #93 came from...... I always wanted to be the #99 but last season.... there was a dude in this league with the #99.... i think his name was larrygravel.... but anyway..... I took my favorite # 99 and mixed it with Dale's #3 came up with 93 .... it's been a pretty lucky # so far. 6 Cup wins, 1 Busch win, and 1 Truck win...... all with the #93.
but anyway..... the reason for tyhisdrunkin post.... is to ask SS if he painted TommyW a pink IROC ride. Did yoy SS? Cuz..... Tommy has been asking me at work if his IROC care will be pink. it's his favoite color!!!
TommyW 21 and 28

Re: car numbers and colors

Post by TommyW 21 and 28 »

It can only be pink if it has purple dots all over it. HEHEHEHE


#21 Air Force Team


Post by EagleKeeper »

LOL...... I can't wait to see Tommy's Pink Iroc car with purplr dots... LOL! LOL! LOL!!!!!


Post by EagleKeeper »

hey SS & LP.... i have downloaded the IROC2K4 mod and have started creating Qualify sets. if you would like me to help out in creating the setups that will be used as the ID race setups..... just let me know. I do however need to know if the series will be run on Hardcore or Expert. Also..... what race length? I'm assumming 100% length. I'm pretty good at perfecting setups..... so if you already have a base set for each of the 4 tracks.... and would like me to try to perfect them..... just email them to me.


Post by rookiesrock8 »

Ya me too!!

BBFF member
Skoty Speed


Post by Skoty Speed »

We appreciate the offer, but it's all done. It will be posted as soon as Lepage is done making the installer.........Probably within the next couple of days.

Thanks, Skoty


Post by EagleKeeper »

sweet!! can't wait to start practicing on-line with you all. this game is pretty dang cool. well done! cool engine sound... cool damage effects.... and these things are like trucks.... stick to the track like glue! although.... you can still loosen them up to make them faster and faster!
couple questions..... will there only be 12 drivers allowed? and if so.... will we have to Qualify to make the field? also.... i will be out of town from 16 - 28 December.... I hope the Iroc season starts after that
btw..... i've been doing well in creating a fast Atlanta setup. so far, I can clock a 30.550 (my best) and still working on making it faster. this lap was done on Expert realism though. will we run HC? or Expert?
i'm running the 1.80 patch with it..... is that the one we will use? the only thing that sux about this patch is.... it messes up your Cup heat drivers folder. but that's fixable.
Hope to see a IROC open server up on IRF soon. this game is fun and like a new toy for Eagle


Post by EagleKeeper »

oh.... and if it's not to late..... D3 emailed me and said that he really wants the pink car. we should vote on it.....
here are my 3 nominations for drivers of the pink IROC ride:
1- TommyW
2- D3
3- EFgordon
4- DoolOK
Skoty Speed


Post by Skoty Speed »

All I can tell ya is what I know so far.....

We will be running in hardcore mode.
We probably will have to run the first race in December yet (thats not for sure tho)
We will be inviting somewhere around 20 drivers..

Thats all I know right now



Post by efgordon »

why dont we randomly select the cars for each race?

isnt that the way its done in iroc?


Post by EagleKeeper »

looks cool..... i'm downloading it now! what patch do we use by the way? 1.80? let me know thanks


Post by EagleKeeper »

oh..... i was lookin at the screen shots, and was disappointed..... I didn't see a pink Tommy will be sad.
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