Dear EagleKeeper

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Dear EagleKeeper

Post by Burner67 »

paint me a #3 nextel cup car ..just come up with somethin cool..i know you were talkin about doing team paint schemes and stuff put you imagination to work

Re: Dear EagleKeeper

Post by EagleKeeper »

sure.... i'll do it.... in trade, i want 3 setups of my choice..... oh, wait a minute.... you still drive all of my setups!!! no deal! lol
Actually.... I put a post up a few weeks ago that said i have retired from painting. which I have...... but.... being that Burner is an old friend (and co-worker bud in the AirForce) and.... it will be a "#3" I will do it for ya Burner. but this will be my last paint.

Re: Dear EagleKeeper

Post by EagleKeeper »

did ya get the car tex file Burner? let me know....
I had some problems emailing it.
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