here we go..... 2005's first cry-baby... lol

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here we go..... 2005's first cry-baby... lol

Post by EagleKeeper »

i'll first start of by saying the positives:
i'm so excited about the new season (both in Nascar and NHRL).
i'm excited to see so many turnouts for the NHRL Bud Shoot-out.
ummm..... that's about it for the positives.
here's where I cry: >>>
Man I suck @ plate tracks
I was so excited about the shoot-out... i broke plans and pissed people off.
Once again.... I forgot I suck @ plate tracks.
I had a plan to take 2 tires and not fix damage (good plan)
I set my pitt options as soon as I lost the draft (as usual).
I qualified crappy -12th (which would be about last in a season race... but i was mid-pack for the shoot-out)
I got caught up in all of the early "RS" wrecks.
After the final start..... I got caught behind a car that was about a half second slower than me...... but that car protected the low line until we both lost the draft.
I pitted late ... hoping to catch the main draft after a 2 tire stop..... but spun and hit the wall on entry.
I forgot that i had earlier turned off the option to fix damage.
I took 2 tires and fuel and exited with my front end practically knocked off.
I didn't have a draft partner.
I got ticked off.
I was pissed that I didn't go out looking for chicks instead.
I went out anyway.
I had a "O.K." time.
I was still ticked about my performance in the shoot out.
I came home.
I made a frozen pizza.
I got drunker (or continued drinking).
I logged onto NHRL to see the race results.
There were no results posted.
I got more pist.
I started writing this post.
then......... I felt better

Cya next time fellow racers!!!


Re: here we go..... 2005's first cry-baby... lol

Post by bover907 »

I'm not laughing at ya, I'm laughing with ya.

on the final restart, a car warped on the grid or something. My car hit it right as I got control, front was dented. then I wrecked asking for a restart. but we already had 5 or so. wasted them on the wrecks like you said.

I was stoked because I had a good drafting car, and had a plan in place, with a partner who shall remail nameless. LOL

but I always have crap happen when I have a good car. (Just like Jimmy spencer)

glad the season is under way!

Re: here we go..... 2005's first cry-baby... lol

Post by d3efan »


cry baby

Post by fatfreddy17 »

At least you guys made the race.

I wanted to sleep a few minutes, so I asked my wife to wake me up in 15 minutes, well, she fell asleep!

I woke up about 11 pm central, just a little late.

Re: cry baby

Post by bover907 »

I did that last season. took a nap, and work up at 11:10 eastern! Man was I ticked.
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