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Post by fatfreddy17 »

Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? So sheep don't hear the zippers.

What do you call 4 sheep tired to a lamp post? A leisure center.

What's the difference between a sheep and a Yugo? It's less embarressing seen in the back of a sheep.

Where do you get Virgin Wool from? From ugly sheep.

One day, an African chief's wife gave birth to a white child and the chief was absolutely stunned. He suspected some hanky panky and went to the white Jesuit missionary father and looked at him suspiciously.

"You have been having sex with my wives," he accused the white father, who looked very uncomfortable.

The Jesuit, attempting to wriggle out of the difficult situation explained Mendel's laws of genetics to the wrathful black man.

"You see that herd of sheep," he said pointing to the chief's herd, "Most of them are white; but you will also notice 2 black lambs among them."

"OK! OK!" said the chief. "You keep your mouth shut and so will I."

Re: Sheep

Post by bover907 »


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