met a hot chick

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met a hot chick

Post by EagleKeeper »

ummmm...... i met a hot chick recently
yep..... I don't know what she see's in me ... but she seems to really dig the old man
the crazy thing is that she's 23 yrs old.... and i'm 33
what's even crazier....... is she's smokin hot .
the reason i'm telling you all this...... is because i may be doing this saturday ..... rather than this:

Re: met a hot chick

Post by efgordon »

i think we know what you will really be doing

Re: met a hot chick

Post by WildFire »

LMAO don't act old and do this LOL or you really will be doing this LMAO


Re: met a hot chick

Post by bover907 »

Man, am I glad I got married at an early age. LMAO

So, if we do see you at the race saturday night, does that mean you just finished doing this? LOL


Smart women

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Eaglekeeper when are you gonna figure out that you need to find the woman with the brains 1st, cuz the rest of her can be fixed with enough money.

BBFF member

Re: met a hot chick

Post by Ramrock41 »

Sounds great EK, woman is 37 and I'm 45 we'v been living together for two years now and I find myself doing this a lot So I hope you dont find yourself doing this which is what I'd like to do But hay,..take her out and have a good time and be sure to do some of this and this


Post by EagleKeeper »


hot date

Post by fatfreddy17 »

Jeepers, not even married and she's got you giving up your play time already, " ding dong, ding dong " I hear wedding bells!
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