Check this out...

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Check this out...

Post by d3efan »

eh? not a bad idea.

WR Ushers In New Era With Live Race Broadcasts!
Overview: WR is pleased to offer the racing community the pleasure of having a race broadcasted live as if the race was an actual event on the radio!

WR can do race broadcasts of the following game titles:
--Nascar Racing 2
--Nascar Racing 3
--Nascar Racing 4
--Nascar Thunder 2003
--Nascar Heat
--Nascar Racing 2003 Season
--Nascar Sim Racing (Coming Soon)

WR offers to do audio broadcasts for your league event for the following:

--Races 1%-25%: $10
--Races 30%-50%: $20
--Races 50% and up: $30
(all fees recieved for the events are placed towards the costs of WR servers, website upkeep, ect.)

--Audio Download Of Each Race Free
--Teamspeak Interviews With Drivers During Event
--Commercials Played For Your League (if you have it)

--The 1st 5 leagues that email the info (once its posted) will recieve their race broadcast for free! Why? Simple. We want people to know about us.

For more information and to schedule a race broadcast:
--You must be an admin at the league in question.
--Contact Mike at the following email address:
--Include your name, website location, number of drivers expected, date of event, track info, time and any other information pertinant to the event.

We will reply to you as soon as we can with payment methods and more.

Once payment is recieved, we'll get the event on the schedule!


Re: Check this out...

Post by d3efan »

and could we start with Pocono? Pretty pleeeeeze? lol

Re: Check this out...

Post by DusterLag »

this is pretty cool, wouldnt mind going to all three series and knowing that people are actuallty broadcasting the race and might actually come speak to us, too bad there arnt any causions, then we could really talk to the brodacasters when they want to talk to us!!


Post by doZer2442 »


them jurks beat me to it


Post by doZer2442 »

Ive been doing some tinkering with a few programs and I have found a way to put up a radio broadcast. Only thing is the race broadcast wouldnt be live. We would have to record it and play it after the race and/or the next day.

But if anyone is interested in broadcasting rather than racing let me know and ill get my radio set back up with all the tools we need. ananarainbow

Edit: My radio is right here (playing music of coarse) - click Tune In

Edited by: doZer2442 at: 7/15/05 12:54 pm


Post by DusterLag »

well... if u dont rember i was workin on this i can do it live.. but i could never get the video people to work...

i can do live radio brodacasts... talking to otheres in ventrilo pulling them down.. to speak to them during pits or something... basically its not that hard... and i gave up because u (dozer) told me u didnt want to do it anymore cause of the video issue and u still wanted to

teamCEM #01

Edited by: DusterLag at: 7/15/05 4:23 pm
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