Chase Race #1 - Tona Writeups (***Chase Drivers***)

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Chase Race #1 - Tona Writeups (***Chase Drivers***)

Post by sledge4 »

***Chase Drivers***

If you want to give me any comments about your race at 'Tona, please email them to me at

I am doing a write-up for the race on the Chase site, so more comments the better.


Wbrv, Sledge4, Camry
Managing Partner

Re: Chase Race #1 - Tona Writeups (***Chase Drivers***)

Post by bover907 »

Following the race at Daytona International Speedway, which was the first race of the Chase for the NHRL Nextel Cup, Cup driver Bover907, Driver of the #81 Philadelphia Eagles Dodge, reportedly Punched a photographer, and threw his camera. A dejected bover, obviously was upset after an uncharecteristic 14th place finish in which the #81 team apparently botched a pitstop, leaving both the 81 car, and their teammate apart on the race track with no drafting help. The 81 car later wrecked on the backstretch making matters worse, and causing the Eagles team to start the chase for the cup with a huge point deficit.



Post by efgordon »

after losing my 2 arranged drafting partners, wildfire to an accident, and reef to a short pit, i was a little worried about my chances. Luckily however, Cammry was right in front of me and told me all i needed to know. "2 tires ef?" was called out over the radio, and i was back in buisness. "no, 4 tires, 4 tires" (aka known as no 4) in short race type form, was my response. I reviewed every race i had ever run in this series, and i knew that 95% of the time, the short pit, for 2 tires, wont get the job done, because almost always, the ones who short pit ties their hands to the ones they pit with, and give up all the time they saved trying to sinc back up and get inline. The plan has alwasy worked best for me is being the last to pit during the first cycle, take 4 tires, and if its a clean stop, i will be almost garunteed to come out in good shape, and with great odds that cars are spread out enough to catch the end of the short pitters draft anyway. "pit now?" said the 88 going down the backstretch in a rather large pack? nah, one more i said....with the fuel light blinking

thats right about when my plan went to crap. 2 cars colide at the entrence of pit road, and one just barely nipped me....sending me onto the braking zone before the pits, COMPLETELY car sounded like one of those F1 cars, as i shifted from 4th to 1st in like a nanosecond, then somehow got lucky enough to get the car pointed in the right direction.

after comming out of the pits and seeing a line of 4 or 5 cars whiz right by, i knew that this race was gonna be different than any of the others i had run here. Now what? "Go" i shouted to the 88, frantically worried he was slowing for me......"im trying" was his only responce. a quick look ahead down the frontstrech was terrible news. no cars in site other than the ones that blew our doors off. nobody to fall back to us and help, nobody to slow them up.....

the seconds just piled up lap after lap....-1.7, then -2.0, then -3, -4, my god, will this ever end?

ok, its time for plan b, and real quick......"2 tires now 88?", with only 13 or 14 laps to go, the 75 and 88 figured to pit again, and play the odds that either they can nail the pits, or the lead group doesnt, or if nothing else, after the short pit, possibly more draft partners would emerge to help make up the time.....

well, i cant speak for the 88, cause i dont know how he did it, but the 75 asked himself a quick qestion during the "in lap".....hmmmmm how much time do you think you can make up pitting, pitting too darned agressive i mean? well, the answer is alot, but i dont suggest it...ha

i did a bonzi run onto pit road, full speed in, and waiting to the last possible second to get the car slowed to pit road speed.....i swear i though i got a black flag....there were no numbers on the speed dial, they were moving down so fast, they were all superimpossed, so i didnt have a clue....but 2 tires and a splash of fuel later, i was tying XXXXXXXX and comming back out.

oddly enough, the 88 must have done the same thing, and only came out .7 secs behind the 75 due to a slow 3rd gear.

one lap later, i was looking up on the leaderboard, and i noticed something very very strange.........What? are you kidding me? we are winning this thing with 10 to go? with a 3 sec lead? whoooooo hoooooooooo. A breif thank you and congratulations were passed back and forth between the 88 and 75, then it was back to drafting........

after seeing that the 2nd pack was closing on us very fast, i did the math in my head and typed in "uhoh", causing a little stress relieving laugh from the 88 team. feeling like a sitting duck, i figured i would act like a sitting duck, so i typed in "quack" to let lepage and company know, that i knew what they knew.

i had one last last move, one last secret little plan i have been saving for a while. hmmmm, why dont i let the 88 bye, then draft and push right up until the freight train gets here, and let them push me? hmmmm, i think it might work....

well as i was pushing the 88 around the bottom, i saw the train a comming, no way in hell would we be able to fight it off, so i went high, and the 88 went low, causing the train to have no choice but to push me right past the 88. i swear i gained like 3 or 4 mph, imediately. after i got by, i went directly to the bottom with all the momentum i had. dozer was able to get beside me, but when the wall of air hit him, the bottom lane took over again.....

so i figured, this is luck at daytona is awsome. i am gonna win again...whooo hooooooo. ooops, hold on a sec....whats with all the crashing i see behind me? uhuh....this could get ugly...geesh. wait...who is that, and why is he comming up so fast? what? huh? stay low, stay low stay low, man, he is comming, @#%$, what can i do, i can literally reach out my window and almost touch the finish line and here he is beside me.....where is the wall of air? someone stop him! damn.....should i put one of those dougnuts on his door? should i do the earnhardt to him? maybe i will go to the extreme bottom and beat him by an inch.....nope...he just had to much speed, too much speed. i bet that sob had a special 3rd gear designed just for that possiblity....oh well, i will take her home 2nd, and go getem next time.

fantastic run lepage......


Re: more......

Post by bover907 »

Phew! I'm outta breath just reading that EF! Like a book, lmao.

I refer to my post above as "Pulling a Stewart"


Re: more......

Post by doZer2442 »

doZer ran in the back for the first 15 laps. But a quick decision by his crew cheif to take two tires put him into the first place spot, leading his first 6 laps EVER in any of the NHRL Series'. doZer had to comment, "Man we had been workin on our plate tracks setups for almost the entire off-season. So when Ramrock came up to me and asked me if I wanted to run the Daytona Cup race for him I just couldn't turn him down. We started off runnin in back there at the start but came out on top when the stops cycled through. We came SOOO close to winnin that race but Pager snuck in between me and efgordon to take the top spot. Was an exellant race, just awsome!" doZer ended up the night in 3rd, .087 out of the lead, while DusterLag was in 5th, both walked away with very positive attitudes. hawk160 was unable to make the race.

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Re: more......

Post by kyle4445 »

running my setup you should be able to run to the front
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