To the Family Men here

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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To the Family Men here

Post by 1OfUrMissus »

Ahhh, is that one of the "other" womans name? And your all just pullin a big old train on these ladies every weekend, huh?

I may joke a bit, but I certanly hope that the many hours that you all spend sitting in front of the computer is worth the little ego stroke that you get on here. It certainly seems to be the only stroking going on in this house since this game came into our lives.
Have any of you really looked at the number of actual hours that you waste on this little game? That is time spent in your little fantasy land and NOT spent with your wives or girlfriends. Time NOT spent with your aging parents. Time NOT spent with your children. Time NOT maintaining your end of your relationships. Time NOT doing your part.
I wonder what would happen if we women started going out (to a bar or just to hang with "friends") for as many hours everyday as you spend on this game. What if we just up and left for a few hours everyday, and maybe up to 10 hours on weekend days? Week in and week out. What if we left you in charge of the kids and the house?
Perhaps some of you are able to do this and keep a healthy family relationship also. If you are able to...I applaud you. Or perhaps, your just deluding yourself into believing you are able to. However, I do know that at LEAST one of you isn't able to. As a matter of fact, I KNOW that he is risking his family for a game.
Do me a favor for the next week? Everytime you go over to turn on your computer, and in essence turn off your family , write down the time. Then check to see what time it is when you get off the computer. You might be surprised at how quick the time flies.
I know that in just 3 days here, over ten hours have been wasted on the stupid ass game. And that doesn't include Fri. and Sat. where usually many more hours are wasted on this @#%$. All so one of you can brag and be the anyone really freaking cares! Do you really think other people care about your stupid ass games? (Pardon the language boys...I'm a bit frustrated)
Believe me, you being "in" the same room as the family, when you are on the computer playing this stupid ass game, is NOT the same as spending time with your family!
If you are able to play this game and still actually leave the house and go do things on weekend, WITHOUT having to schedule your family around a game...then you can probably disregard this. If you have actually gone out with your wife or girlfriend since having started this game...then you can probably disregard this. If your children don't refer to you as number so & so...then you can probably disregard this. If your wife or girlfriend isn't going through 2 packages of duracells every month...then you can probably disregard this.
Yep...I know at least one of you is going..."that did she get on here?" Hey you fudging idiot! I know how to turn on the computer too!
Oh heck boys...I just wanted to give you a little something to think about before you turn around to ask for a soda one night and discover that your sitting alone in an empty house.
Have a nice week!

Re: To the Family Men here

Post by efgordon »

oi vei....

i read this laughing my ass off. now, i am not so sure its so funny.

although, if the one who made this post, could go down to the "suggestions and Polls" section of the forums and make a poll for us to guess who the "man" is, that would be great.

i know we would have some fun with that.

i am betting this is someone from the BBFF team. With the 25 or so kids that team has, one of the ole ladies is feeling overwhelmed. ha ha ha

good luck with that one!


Re: To the Family Men here

Post by rookiesrock8 »

The BBFF Team has healthy relationships with their spouses. So a wife posting what she couldn't tell him to his face wouldn't happen. That said I suggest you go to the nearest book store and purchase the book "The proper care and feeding of husbands" by Dr. Laura S. If you can't together with your husband come up with a schedule that works for both of you then it's time to realize his way is right. If you have children with him and divorce him then on his visitation weekends he will be racing anyway so stay married and enjoy the time you do spend together.
I think it's one of Eagle's former chicks.

Edited by: lepage71 at: 8/24/05 12:05 pm

Re: To the Family Men here

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Lepage I have never seen you edit anyones posts before. Lol. What you edited was better anyway lmao.

BBFF member

Re: To the Family Men here

Post by lepage71 »

That's the lepage magic touch for you...

Re: To the Family Men here

Post by DusterLag »

well, this certinally dosent apply do the cem boys... heck, were 16,16,17, and 18 with a 41 year old..... and i know its not him, he never has time to be on the computer!, and hardley ever is!

Looks Like CEM is clear!!

Looking at the members list, and assuming that is is a cup driver, seeing as it is in the cup forum..., i would have to pick Eagle as well...
... Tho My First Thought Was BBFF!

Edited by: DusterLag at: 8/24/05 1:16 pm

To the Family...hooch

Post by TWChad »

LOL....from all the guys that have read this, I'll simply reply with this statement, just as I would to my wife if she dare speak to me or my friends in this manner.

Open Mic night is over, now get back in the kitchen and fix his dinner you @#%$ cuntrag.

aint any of my women

Post by EagleKeeper »

as you all know..... i'm one of the first to bow out and miss a race. i have many reasone for missing races...... but.... free beer, good times, and easy women... always come first in my book

Re: aint any of my women

Post by efgordon »

whats your definition of "easy" eagle?



Re: aint any of my women

Post by bover907 »

Nope, Not the Bov! LMAO!

Seriously though, I'm laughing at the replies, not the original post. because obviously, there is an issue there.

Actually, if anything, I haven't been practicing enough, as evidenced by my last couple finishes.

But Di and I have a mutual understanding. She is usually reading, or watching chic flicks (movies on lifetime, and her shows like charmed, etc.) while I am playing my stupid a$$ game. it works out very well for us. Plus, Mrs Bov would be the first to give me a good before having to post on here, and I'd listen and give my share of back, but we do that in a healthy way. we have actually never had to have a good session about my internet racing.

This is still able to do all the that I want, while still being able to get his on, and also being able to maintain a good with the 4 little bov's.


hey.... wife

Post by EagleKeeper »

seriously..... all men have hobbies.
would you rather your man have a hobbie like hunting, fishing, bowling, golfing, or shooting pool or darts on a league..... or maybe fixing up an old car in the garage every night till the sun goes down and there after into the morning hours????? I have lots of married friends that have and do these hobbies. and trust me..... these hobbies take up a lot of time too.
the only difference between all of the above hobbies compared to your hubby's hobbie is:
Would you rather him be at home enjoying a hobbie...... or out at a bar each weekend shooting pool in a tournament??!!??!!??
the thing is...... some women are never happy. I had a girl that didn't like me doing this league on NHRL (she's gone) . I also had a girl that didn't like when i played golf each sunday (gone too) . i know a girl that bitches cuz her hubby is always hunting of fishing. another girl didn't like how i watched Football all day sunday (bye - bye)
sooooooooo............. please..... shut up!!! and.... get in the kitchen


Post by EagleKeeper »

wife..... you didn't actually expect that any of us in here would agree with you.......
did you???????

once upon a time

Post by efgordon »

once upon time, when i was in the LCH racing league, i was almost missed a race due to the settlement of the sale of my house lasting 2 hours longer than expected.

as i was flying down the road with a 5 figure check in my pocket, i picked up the phone and called my girlfriend at the time.....

"hey honey, do you mind going over and turning on the computer for me? i need you to do something.....

"yea, sure....what do you need?" she said

"just turn it on...and hurry, please, this is kinda important"

"ok, its what?"

"see that little purple and yellow icon on my desktop?, the one that says IFR?"

"yea...what is that?"

"Click on it...and it will take you to a chat room, its the place i meet before i race, and i am late and i want you to ask them to wait for me"

"ahahahahaha you got to be kiddin me....hahahaha how will they know who i am"

"my name will log in automatically, and just type in the little box at the bottom, that i will be 5 mins late for the race....someone named viagra6car should answer you"

"ok, i did...who is efgordon?" ...."hahahaha some dude named riverrat says rofl" "ha ha ha who is efgordon"

"thats my name honey, dont worry about it and thanks....please get me a big cup of ice and a soda ready, when i get home, i will have to go directly to the computer, so i will explain what happend at the settlement after i am done, but dont worry, everything is fine"

"hey someone is asking how old i am"...."and someone else is asking if i have any pictures"..."hahahaha these guys are cracking up...everyone is laughing"

"click on the x honey, click on the x....get out of that room now.....hahahaha"

"ok.....hahaha, and your lucky i love you....why are you so late anyway?"

"settlement started late, and then there was a few complications, dont worry about it, its all good, i am just late for my race...i will tell you all about it after its over. and thanks alot babe....i love you girl, your the best, and dont forget about that soda"

"ok, cya in a bit....bye"

100% true

i think i ran 2nd or 3rd that night....ha ha ha

Edited by: efgordon at: 8/25/05 7:20 am


Post by Haulinace007 »

ef I think I remember when you had her do that. I must say that this is some of the best reading that I've seen on here in a long time. Even if we dont nessecarily agree with " the wife" she sure does know how to ruffle a few feathers. Sure we could just show up for the races on the night of the race, but who wants to run in the back all night and finish like crap. Not I, I got a taste of that in the truck race Saturday night. I'm used to running up front and I was all back there but lack of practice got me. This may be a game to them but to us its obviously much more. In closing guys always remember, you can't turn a HO into a housewife!! Great to be back fellas!!

Re: yeah

Post by fatfreddy17 »

To be honest, my wife says to me " Don't you have a race tonight, give me the remote! "
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