
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by fatfreddy17 »

I hope everyone in and around the gulf coast of the southern USA is alright.

Pretty nasty hurricane, might have been the worst we may see in our life.

I really doubt that those indivuals that were in the storm's path have access to the web, but if you can, check in, just let us know that everyone is ok, or even if you had contact with any of our NHRL drivers, let us know about it.

If somebody does need help, post it here, or email me.



Post by EagleKeeper »

i need 10,000.00 dollars ..... can you help me Fred?

just foolin. actually.... I know that us in florida are fine (TommyW, Scrooluice, Eagle, and Burner) the storm went west of us. and we were soooo lucky . I'm assuming D3 is good too..... cuz i think he is north of us in Alabama.
i'm not sure if there were any NHRL members in the western portion of the pan handle..... if there is.... i hope they got out of there and are ok.

Re: help

Post by rookiesrock8 »

It is tragic the way the relief effort was handled. I have already received word that I will be going down there to rebuild/restore cellular/phone service in about 30-45 days when sites and equipment is ready.

BBFF member

Edited by: rookiesrock8 at: 9/3/05 12:43 pm

Re: help

Post by WildFire »

It is tragic to how they have handled the relief efforts down in the Gulf Coast. Were still waiting to hear from some friends that had moved down that way a year ago.
Hope to hear from them soon.

Edited by: WildFire at: 9/3/05 11:21 pm

Re: help

Post by bover907 »

Yeah, two things that really piss me off about this. 1, the way the govt, etc. handled all this, and 2, the way the peeps down in N.O. and western Miss are acting. running around looting and then the bands of rapists and $#!+. You never saw all that stuff after the tsunami, or any of the other recent natural disasters in all those "third world" places. Just here in the good ol' US of A. Friggin figures. Kinda makes you ashamed to be an american, in a way. That crap is all over the world news. Betcha ahab the arab are really calling us "infidels" after watching that stuff.

Sorry had to vent. all this stuff is making me sick to my stomach. I need to cut down on CNN time.

Anyhoo, I hope everyone in the league who live down that way fared well, and will be back racing on Sep 17th.


Re: help

Post by fatfreddy17 »

The people of New Olreans do not impress me. Remember when the entire city of New York had a blackout -- not one single incidence of looting, on 9-11, the same, the people did not go around stealing and screwing everybody and anything.

They also had 3 days of advance warning, I understand most of the people are low income, but it doesn't cost anything to grab a gallon or 2 of water, and go to a safe shelter -- AS THEY WERE INSTRUCTED TO DO.

Um, Eagle, the check is in the mail !

Edited by: fatfreddy17 at: 9/3/05 2:28 pm

Re: help

Post by d3efan »

high and dry (thankfully) in lower alabama. the east side.

I has just composed a three (long) paragraph tirade about just how screwed up this country has gotten but deleted it since I believe alot of eyes have been opened to just how it really works around here.

But I will say I will no longer suffer the liberal environmentalist who seems to think that drilling the barren north slope of Alaska may inconvienience a few carabou. Or building a new refinery or two on the gulf coast might interrupt the mating pattern of swamp grass or the spotted snail!

And our collective balls have been put in a vice by our government and big business (really, is there a difference?). And between them and foreign governments, they are holding the handle!

I, for one, am removing my balls from the vice!

Edited by: d3efan at: 9/4/05 12:57 am

Re: help

Post by bover907 »

might interrupt the mating pattern of swamp grass or the spotted snail!


but how could you not pull for this little guy? j/k

I'm glad they sent a lot more of these guys down there to do some serious on all the thugs and rapist and looters down there. I can't believe that in our country, a city gets destroyed, and most of the cops cut and run, and there were just a few left, basically doing this why trying to hold down the fort at night, because there was no way those who were left could be a match for all the a$$holes down there. Did anyone see the two cnn pieces on the cops this week? the one the other night, where the one cop was asking where the rest of the police went, and calling them cowards, and asking them if they could consiously put their badge on again, and the other where the few cops stayed at that college to protect the peeps there until they got evacuated.


Edited by: bover907 at: 9/4/05 10:14 am
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