is this league dead?

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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is this league dead?

Post by EagleKeeper »

i know that things change..... people get busy..... and sometimes lose interest.
but..... is NHRL dead? ...... just as IRF had died a year or two ago?
I've noticed a handful of peeps racing Nextel05 (or what ever the name is) on numerous nights. it's great to see people racing on IRF again. It also appears they have a league going oe something.
I originally Joined NHRL..... way back in 2002 or 2003.... then decided to race in a different league "RTTF". that league crapped out..... it "died" .... and i reapplied to NHRL. since then..... NHRL has been the cream of the crop. but now.... it's dead. no-one practicing during the week, no "Cup" or "Busch" nascar servers up (ever), no one ever running sprints or no one replying to "forums" .... no "smack-talking" in the forums anymore (which used to be fun). heck..... it seems dead!!!
an example of dead is : the numerous requests about the Brickyard download..... and nothing...... who would show up for a race at the brickyard when no one knows what track to download.... where to get it.... and if it's the right one? no league officials responding or nothing
hate to see it fall to pieces like this

Re: is this league dead?

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Eagle no disrespect intended. Since the main server can't be accessed there can be no dedicated server up for practice. The last few nights team members from NHRL, BBFF, CEM and LOD have been practicing at the brickyard thru Tommys, Bovers, Wildfires and Kyles servers. Where were you? You don't show up for saturday races and sometimes sundays. You are hardly ever practicing and you say IRF is dead. True the NHRL officials haven't answered the Brickyard track question but because your a part timer you expect them to be monitoring your forums fulltime and answer immediatly? Have you sent them a letter? You probably will post a letter Saturday morning informing everyone that you either have a girl or a keg to tap or both lol and wont be able to race anyways. I will be glad to send the brickyard track I got as soon as I can on thursday.
The Nextel05 mod has been alittle fun and there's an IORS league that NHRL drivers showup to every once in awhile to kick butt.
You want smackyou got it. When or if you do show up I can guarantee there will be a BBFF member there to whoop your slow ass!
The league is only as good and as dedicated as it's members.

BBFF member

ok thanks

Post by EagleKeeper »



Post by EagleKeeper »

p.s. don't bother emailing me the track

Re: re

Post by fatfreddy17 »

Practice,, what's that?

Just use the advanced setup, thats good enough!


Post by rookiesrock8 »

I wasn't gonna send you the track anyway. It was gonna be a virus

BBFF member

Re: Sure!

Post by efgordon »

hey ek, i think the whole team concept thing will help a little bit. i know the LOD team communicates after every week about a practice schedule. sometimes the plan falls apart real quick(because we all have busy lives), but other times it works great and we get 2 or 3 solid practices in together before the race.

i think the chase in the cup series is cool too, and its cool to see more than just one contender for the title this late in the season.

hopefully the server problems will be fixed or solved soon

and 2006 will be a banner year in the NHRL

i let you know when you can start working on my 2006 cup championship paint scheme! lol

i am currently working on the details to my new fathead wall paper posters too.... turns out that they do more then just NFL.

i send you one at no charge!


Post by bover907 »

Yeah. The BBFF has been practicing AT LEAST a couple times a week, at least since I joined the team at the beginning of the season, and I know that Kyle and Rookie were at it long before I joined the team because they were about the only two guys from the league I saw on IRF on a regular basis when I first joined the league last year. (Wonder how I ended up joining the BBFF? That's how)

While we're on the topic of attendence and such, I think there should be something like a 3 sub limit on chase contenders next year. It kinda burns me up that I haven't missed a race or used a sub yet, but a couple peeps with like 5-6 subs are beating me in points. mainly the chase.


Re: Bologna!

Post by WildFire »

Our team at LOD, we try to practice quite a bit. Sometimes life gets in the way. Like last night I wanted to practice, but my kids seemed to have eaten to much sugar or something and just went plain crazy!! LOL
If I can't get online to practice, I will practice and tests setups offline, to tweak it to the way I like it.

I think your idea for only 3 subs, for chase contenders is a little harsh. I myself travel quite a bit during the week, practically 2 weeks out of the month, and then home on weekends. I do travel with my laptop so I can still communicate with my team, and once in a while bring my wheel with me, so I can practice online!! But sometimes thats not feasable for me. Maybe during just the last ten races during the chase, you can put a limit like that into play. But we run a long season through out the year. So subs are valuable to many of us who live busy lives.

Edited by: WildFire at: 10/13/05 7:42 am


Post by EagleKeeper »

ok...... i'm thinking about joining the ranks of one of the race teams out there. although next season.... I will probably only compete in Busch.

Re: teams

Post by efgordon »

well i am thinking cup. but i would be a good sub to have around on sundays!

Re: teams

Post by WildFire »

Keep thinking real hard about Cup for next year!!

next years schedule

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Rumor has it that CTS might get euthanasai(ed)(?) next season. And CUP and BGN might get scheduled on the same night (sat). Guess eagle can't play.

BBFF member

Re: next years schedule

Post by WildFire »

Don't lose CTS We have 18 peeps signed up for CTS right now. We just need to get more peeps to show up and pump some enthusiasum back into that series!!!

Come on guys lets not lose that series!!
TommyW 21 and 28

Re: next years schedule

Post by TommyW 21 and 28 »

Yes we do have 18 or so signed up for CTS and we go through this every year with CTS. It is getting old. Start off the season with 20 or so drivers per race and with a third of the season left we are struggling to get 10 drivers in a CTS race. This is what makes it so aggravating. I fought to keep CTS going this season by will to help with the admin parts of it, records and stats of CTS. I have stuck to my word. But I am not fighting to keep CTS any longer. I love racing "The TRUCK" but I am not going to have these headaches anymore. We all have our own thing going on in life besides sitting in front of a computer racing but if you say you want to race and start the season then why in the hell don't most finish the season in any series. Cause if you look at it there is a handful of guys that show up each and every week, then you got the ones that at least email or post to let us know they are going to be missing the race, and then you got the ones who just fall of the face the earth and occasionally pop in every once in a while. I got a wife, three kids, two dogs, and in military and still manage to make most of the races.

Just some food for your alls thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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