Hey I nee night tracks for California and Darlington!

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Hey I nee night tracks for California and Darlington!

Post by Bartenfeld »

I am tring to get the 2006 Season set up on my game I have made the 2006 NEXTEL Schedule but I dont know where to get the night tracks for Darlington and California. Can someone send them to moe or direct me in the right direction???? I went to BHMotorsports but they link they have for California is broken. They dont even have one for Darlington. Thanks to anyone who can help.


Re: Hey I nee night tracks for California and Darlington!

Post by bover907 »

As far as I know, there aren't any night versions for those tracks.


Re: Hey I nee night tracks for California and Darlington!

Post by Bartenfeld »

I figured someone would have had to made them. Cant be that hard can it? I mean its the same track with a different sky then add the lights??? Hell i dont know....maybe someone will know thanks anyways.

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