OK here's the deal...

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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OK here's the deal...

Post by d3efan »

If we're not careful we're gonna get our collective butts handed to us by the admins over the next two races. But I'd like to concentrate on only 2 of them here: TommyW and Lepage71 (and not only because they are atop the standings). If we (and I guess we can call ourselves: "the rest of the field") can only come up with a plan... we can equalize it out. Here's mine lol: if you're a lap down block, harass, wreck in front of, or otherwise impede their progress and let the rest of us catch up, thus allowing us to do the same and get you back on the lead lap. that would be nice. And not only because Im 3rd right now either lol. Im kidding of course this Karma thing (ya know, think bad thoughts and all...) has kicked my butt the last few races I believe...which is another reason I avoid ventrilo, I sometimes voice those bad thoughts. But ya got to know they're taken out of context. I'm innocent You should know I'm not as big an a$$hole as some of you may think I am! Just ask, um, well, someone who would agree with that!

On a serious note: these aprons will kick your butt entering the pits. Gotta go slow. We all will, even Tommy will I think lol.

And alot of TY's in advance. I refuse to type and drive at some (most) venues because Ill end up wrecking. Thanks to alot of folks last week too (the #4 truck for the push, etc.).

Alrighty then, lets go kick admin butt! And as always: stay off the #3 car!

Re: OK here's the deal...

Post by WildFire »

LMAO @ D3. I like your idea. Kick admins butts!!

Rebel Racing

Re: OK here's the deal...

Post by rookiesrock8 »

We can't let tommy get 4 wins in a row...cmon guys....practice, practice, practice. I'll try my best and the rest of you do the same.

Re: OK here's the deal...

Post by doZer2442 »

well he won't get 5 thats for damn sure.... 2 words... TEX-AS

Re: OK here's the deal...

Post by WildFire »

Wish I was here for the Texas race.

Rebel Racing

Re: OK here's the deal...

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Quit talking texas doz. The words get harder to swallow when you don't back them up. So maybe texas will be your 1st top ten in cup dozer.
Anyways frickin tommy ran a .397 yesterday in marty. C'mon guys we can't let this happen.

Re: OK here's the deal...

Post by WildFire »


Rebel Racing
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