
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by Burner67 »

Hey , anybody got a copy of nascar heat? my pc crashed about 4 months ago and i have lost everything to do with nascar heat , and thats why i havent been around for awhile, just let me know

Re: waaasssssuuup

Post by Ramrock47 »

Dude!! that is a total drag I know what you are going though man, been there done that,..lol . I have an extra copy of Nascar Heat but I am keeping it around so I can install it on the other computer when the kid gets old enough to race with me although I probly dont need two Nascar Heat cds if I'm useing the no cd patch. Are you having trouble finding a new one? I could send it to you and you could load it download the no cd patch and then send it back to me, if you want to do that that would be fine with me Let me know bud. Talk to me goose


Edited by: Ramrock47 at: 2/23/06 10:06 pm

Re: waaasssssuuup

Post by efgordon »

i have two copies of heat. send me your address and i will mail one to you.

simular thing happend to me last year, and it really efed up my fun!


hi burner

Post by EagleKeeper »

yo burner! sup man?
i still have your copy of Heat that you gave me back "in the year 2000" .... lol
seriously..... I do... and was about to give it to a co-worker so he could get into heat.
so..... if you want it... drive over here. cuz, I'm to lazy to mail it.
"welcome back Kotter"

P.S. this is you racing heat >>>
P.S.S. this is me >>>

oh..... one more thing

Post by EagleKeeper »

btw burner............
you've lost your #3 to D3Efan ... hahaha!

Re: oh..... one more thing

Post by d3efan »

Hey Burner good to see ya. The league gave me the nod for the #3 car this year, sorry. But ya werent here! lol come on back and run some.

Re: oh..... one more thing

Post by Burner67 »

well i still have no disc, i have been going through every cd-r i have and cant find a copy, i wonder if i downloaded the demo if that would be enough files to get a mod going? anyone know?

Re: oh..... one more thing

Post by Burner67 »

that dont work either...heres my address if someone is kind enough to send me a copy..620 cherokee rd. Eglin AFB Fl. 32542 .....name is michael vineyard
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