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Post by SpeedyExiter »

HUH? How can u get a penalty for "aggressive driving" ??? Thats what driving around and around and around a racetrack
as fast as possible and completing a certain number of laps before someone else does! Its called Racing! Not lollygagging!

(Which,by the way,for u smartassesout there, is what I've been doing anyway. And doing a damn good job of it too!You think its easy trying to stay out of the way of a bunch of guys roaring up on you. You see them in your mirror for a second
or two, then suddenly they dissappear, some longer than others, some too long,as you wait for them to steam past, not knowing what the hell they're doing over there in your blindspot. Giving you the finger, thumbing there nose at you,or like some, .....Ghosting,only to reappear again right in front of you.(No names will be mentioned here)
Anyway, I haven't complained about anything or called anyone names since a certain driver (who will also go unmentioned)
called me a "DORK". Even if I deserved it!
So, since you all seem to be on vacation, and I,liking to call myself some sort of an avid writer, registered and published. I'm proud to add, needing some practice, decided to write this rather wordy post.
So, back to the subject.
To The Martinsville race we go.....I direct your attention to the Race penalties listed at the bottom of the race summary.

#79: aggressive driving on lap 24 (-10 points)
I watched the replay with at least 6 avid race fans,of which 2 of them I didn't invite and wouldn't have let in if I'd known they were coming.(You all know what I'm talking about).All 6 agreed that they couldn't see why I was penalized for "A.D",
particularly on lap 24, though they did say I was lollygagging.We also checked the leaders "lap 24" and the "Admins" "laps
24".since , as I explained to the blonde girl with the big boobs more than three frigging times.That my "lap 24", since I was was already down two to three laps, was not necessarily "Their", as in the "penalizers" lap 24. This took way longer to explain then I had patience for but I did finally finish , only cause the others were playing dumb to aggravate me, and I had
ulterior motives anyway!!!
You may be saying who cares, and so what. "So ,Speedy, you lost a lousy 10 stinkin' points! Big frigging deal! Your in damn near last place anyway with only 3 races left!"
But you forgot one thing! I'm a Dork ! So why not complain? Others in here complain ( well a certain percentage of them)
do. About this driver, or that post, or too many posts from some. About who's allowed to race, who's not allowed to. It is supposed to be "FUN"
Now don't get me wrong. I do understand about racing ettiquette, and approving guys etc. No one wants there kid sister to go with them on a date at the drive in, and no one needs a "demolition expert" on the track. Enough said about why I'm complaining. Now why the hell did I get a penalty for "Aggressive Driving" when I wasn't???
This was an unfair penalty ! see for yourself.. well that stinks Stupid message said replay too big to send in here. Crap! :evil:
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Post by Reef »

Ok, here is my take on this incident. Not only do we watch the replays, we listen to them. On the now infamous lap 24 incident, it appeared to myself and the other admins that there was no attempt by you to slow into the corner and make a clean pass, instead, by listening to the rpms of your engine, you pulled off what we like to call "a dive and gouge" to get by a warping car as quick as possible, thus resulting in the aggressive driving. Would you feel better if we called it "Dangerous Driving" instead? That move could be classified as both in my opinion. I watched to entire race thru your windshield and your driving was erratic and unpredictable at best all race long. You should have adjusted your line and let off earlier to avoid a wreck in that situation, and you didn't, thus the penality.

Taken directly from the rules page,

Racing Tactics

1. Each competitor should recognize that cars are traveling at different speeds. A driver must exhibit caution and patience when encountering slower traffic. The race leader, for instance, should be willing to cruise behind a lapped car before forcing a dangerous passing maneuver, enabling the slower driver to recognize the faster car and make appropriate adjustments. The league administrators may assess penalties when drivers making passes are overly aggressive and initiate unwarranted contact.
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Post by SpeedyExiter »

OK ... I understand what you are saying. When I first wrote this post, i had tried to send my replay, which is , as we both know, more accurate to my "SOUNDS" "MY Braking and Acceleration speeds" as is your own replay more accureate to your own Acceleration and braking speeds.
It slipped my mind about the size of the Race replay file and i did try to send it though I got the Error message when trying to send it. At first I deleted the paragraph below...from the post thinking it was referring to the size of the post not the replay file .(you knowThe file is to large to send. Maximum size is 3 mib or something of that nature.I
[I deleted this from original post thinking it was too long.]
I am submitting my replay of the race showing I did nothing wrong! And as u will see the fluctuating problem I was having with my accelerator from start to finish.( I am not submitting this as an excuse for any penalties i recieved . But to let you hear, much more accurately, and observe the accelerator image bar and brake image bar in the Stat view of MY REPLAY. At first the problem seemed minor and at times got better so I continued on racing as mostly i was by myself racing and was not interfereing with the pace of the race.I watched each lap and Dusterlag , I believe suddenly braked without warning in an unusual manner and i tapped his rear which did not wreck or damage him. later as lap23 started he was high and slowing in the same manner before the turn. I in know way, raced into the corner to try to undercut him and I may have slightly scratched his paint if that .He did not go into the wall or wreck. As a matter of fact,after crossing the Start/finish line to begin Lap 24, I began to deaccelerate before entering the 1st turn,slowed High along the outside wall to allow what I assumed were the "Leading Cars" to safely pass underneath me. I was slammed in the left rear by dusterlag, (I think it was unintentional as he was probably trying to clear the inside groove for passage), I was put into the outside wall and didn't interfere with his "Much Hurried" Hit, slide, and run. I in no way tried to retalliate , as I already had my hands full with my accellerator issues.
So now you will see and hear in Real speedyexiter time what occurred,and not as an excuse
as to why but as clarification of my actions!!!!If you will ..I'll Email you my replay..or I'll RAR it and compress it.Either/ or? Thx for hearing me out. I do appreciate all your time and consideration in your work keeping things up to par for this league.No butter intended!
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Post by DusterLag »

I have not reviewed this incident yet because it is on my other computer but it was probably my connection, either way I'm sorry if I that did that to you! :(

Yes, I will be moving soon & hopefully better internet will follow!
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Post by Reef »

Well, this does bring new light to the issue. If you knew you had accelerator issues, then why did you continue to race? This wasnt daytona where it is on the gas , this is Martinsville, on the gas, off the gas repeatedly. Having a bad gas pedal was only asking for trouble. Bottom line is: you should have adjusted your line as to avoid contact, you didn't. Continuing to race with faulty equipment is not the NHRL's issue. That is what practice is for. If you knew this during practice, something should have been said. It wans't.
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Post by lepage71 »

Technically every dive-and-gouge and ram-from-behind is an "accelerator issue." :wink:
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Post by SpeedyExiter »

I just viewed my Marty replay again. And I have no idea what wreck you are referring to that I caused on Lap 24!!My erractic driving thruout the race was mostly due to inexperience at the track. The flucuation problem with my gas pedal
was in my inability to slightly ease off after full acceration not in gaining acceleration thereby causing me to have to release my foot entirely from the pedal,(rather than slowly deaccellerate) and then brake.It did not do it constantly every time but was not that much of an issue I felt to pull out of the race .
Also in my replay ,and while the actual race was taking place, Dusterlag never ghosted or warp when I was behind him. He did , I noticed in the replay,slightly ghost, after i believe was lap 25, while he was "behind me" and alongside Bover,as i stayed high to let bover pass inside .
I did pass Dusterlag on lap 24 to the inside. I did not race into the corner and try out braking him nor was there a wreck.
If you call that slow turn " aggressive driving ", then theres a lot of old folks in the Sun City retirement community in their golf carts driving aggressive!! What would you call what #45 did on lap 14, I think it was, right in front of you as he attempted to pass me?I stayed in the high groove most laps to let leaders pass low. some passers not as well as others. I pass one stinkin car, in the whole dang race,we touch.(maybe ) You call it a wreck, holler out"aggressive driving" and slap me for a penalty faster than Barney Fife cockily whipping out his ticket book to cite an old lady for jay walking. As A matter of fact, i was the one who was rear ended by dusterlag and put into the wall.I didnt think that was aggressive, just a slight miscalculation on his part. Hey thats why they call it racing!
hey reef,getting penalized, you know, wasn't that big of a deal. I just wanted to voice my objection,and get an explanation of the actual incident you are referring to and call a " WRECK" ! If that is the explanation, then I guess I'll have
to accept it!
But one thing, thats still bugging me is I watched the Marty race on Tv the other day and dam.them boys would race up to the corner as fast as they could ,hit the brakes,leaving big old Rubber Tire marks on the driver's side door of the other guys car, when diving inside them, then do it again another lap later. The guy with the least amount of damage to his driver's side door was later referred to as " the race winner"!
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Post by Reef »

Do you see me whining about my 25 point penality for profanity directed at another league member? If I wanted to be an asshole I could have said that it wasn't directed at another member due to the fact that no names were involved, just a simple "wtf" was muttered. But I manned up and took it because the rules said I have to, big deal. It's a -10, get over it.

Please don't make me get my video editor out and pick apart your race.
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Post by SpeedyExiter »

AFter viewing this Reef,
and this,
and this,
I realize now what a "Dive and Gouge" is !
Look, its all good!! It is all right to be wrong,sometimes! Its easier to admit our mistakes when we first discover them.
A lot less crow has to be eaten !I'm not whining ,I'm making a point, mostly observing.
Pick apart my lap 35 instead. Sure would like to hear that , just out of curiousity. Who checks the checkers?
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Post by DaveO »

Speedy.. I ain't no Admin, but you were trying to say that my teammate Reef did a dive and gouge move on you. Dude rewind that replay of yours by a few seconds on lap 35, and you will see that Reef tapped the apron coming into that turn, and by NO MEANS at all is that a dive and gouge. What happened was he tapped the apron by accident and then thats when he accidently bumped into the back of your car. Dude you need to review the whole thing before you tell a guy he made a dive and gouge move on you..
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Post by Reef »

Now, now, now. If you are going to accuse someone, you better have the whole story. I took the liberty of making a small clip to correct you and your story.

Now the first part of the lil clip, as you will be able to see by the stats area, is the section where you posted those pics. You forgot to post the ones where i slowed and braked way before the entrance to the turn, clipped the apron, and bumped you. Please while you are watching the correction, listen to it as well because sound plays a big part in the next section of the clip. Notice where I started to brake and slow down, way before the change in track surface

Now in this next section, this is the incident where you incurred your penality. Notice, #1, how deep into the corner you drove without letting off the gas, and #2, where in the corner your rpm's start to drop. Right around the time you hit Duster. Did ya see where you started to slow? It is way into the different track surface. Big difference from the first clip, eh?

Please get your story correct, oh wait, I just did that for you.

The correct story

Any other questions?
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Post by SpeedyExiter »

DaveO , actually think he had room to squeeze by me .Besides I only was making a point.If I had been in his car and him in mine, What would your reply be then. I only wanted clarification. This isn't a lets get on different sides and start a pissing contest. If i'M incorrect. I'm sorry. But if someone else is incorrect. No big deal ,right! hey I'm glad you posted tho
alwalys like communication .didnt mean to knock over the apple cart.
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Post by DaveO »

SpeedyExiter wrote:DaveO , actually think he had room to squeeze by me .Besides I only was making a point.If I had been in his car and him in mine, What would your reply be then. I only wanted clarification. This isn't a lets get on different sides and start a pissing contest. If i'M incorrect. I'm sorry. But if someone else is incorrect. No big deal ,right! hey I'm glad you posted tho
alwalys like communication .didnt mean to knock over the apple cart.
No pissing contest at all. Just trying to show ya the facts...
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Post by Reef »

It is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, but video is worth a crap load more do ya think?

I like crow, kinda tastes like chicken.
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Post by SpeedyExiter »

Niot that particular video unless you fix it. its stuttering! bad was my Media player settings ,not you Video Editor ..I will go watchit now! Thx for taking the time!
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Post by lepage71 »

Sigh...yet another attempt at the "admin conspiracy theory" thrown out the window.

Note: admins do not decide their own infractions. If Reef had deserved a penalty, Skoty and I would have given him one. Speedy, you should feel lucky you ONLY had one penalty during what was a questionable race. You wadded me up when I was leading by 10 seconds for no apparent reason and you were a general hazard out there.

You deserved that penalty. Reef's senile, one-eyed, blindfolded Uncle Nester could have called that one with ease.
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Post by Reef »

bout time u jumped in
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Post by spider »

i wasnt there but looks like a hole lot crying ,, cry baby s needs a rag :lol: :lol:
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Post by Nightstalker »

Hey, I know Uncle Nester, that guy is a hoot!!!!

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Post by SpeedyExiter »

spider wrote:i wasnt there but looks like a hole lot crying ,, cry baby s needs a rag :lol: :lol:

Som a body gonna getta hurt...Don't know who , but som a body will!! :badgrin:
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