For Admins or Mods

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For Admins or Mods

Post by hawkseye05 »

Ok so i have just gotten a threat from TheMrMet through AIM. Here are the parts of the conversation that were threatening to me.

Don 9:28 pm
dont expect me to do something to you about ur comment at nhrl punk
Dustin Stallings 9:29 pm
i could care less about what you do
Don 9:29 pm
i'll crash you in every league i race
Dustin Stallings 9:29 pm
and you would get banned
Don 9:29 pm
i wouldnt care
Don 9:31 pm
Thats a promise

So, I myself would consider removing him from NHRL so he wont bash the league by just wrecking me every race. Im not trying to sound like a little cry baby but I really dont want any B.S. in NHRL, this is the best league i have ever run in. Im just trying to protect NHRL from getting ruined by TheMrMet.

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Re: For Admins or Mods

Post by bover907 »

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Re: For Admins or Mods

Post by bover907 »

Listen. this is primarily an ADULT community. We allow "Kids" to race here so long as they conduct themselves accordingly. We've had a number of kids race here at ages like 14, and such, and some have gotten the boot because they couldn't act mature, and others who are now grown up and married with children themselves now, and still race here or drop by.

We can not control AIM "spats". We can only enforce what happens HERE at the NHRL, either on our server, ventrilo, or our forums. Once someone's problems spill over to one of those areas, I assure EVERYONE that swift action will be taken. Furthermore, this type of thing should be PM'd to the admin group, and not posted in the forums.

This is a racing league and a community of friends, NOT THE SCHOOL YARD!
Old School Racing

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