
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by novall »

Congrats to the Winners,,,, sry I couldn't be at the last few races, Hunting season is here and working 12 hr days has put a hurt'n on me.... Let me know what's going on for next season and I will see you all at the races..



Post by lepage71 » did a good job this season and scored a win as well. I didn't realize how consistent you had one of the best laps completed ratio. Good job. I'm glad you had fun this season.

As for next season I am configuring the rosters...I know Saturday's were tough for you but we will have a division on Friday nights (same time as practice was this year, practice gets scrapped) in 2003 and I will likely put you in that series. :ezboardsmile:

We will have practices next year but they will not be a regular set time. If you see me or someone else on IRF during the week we can get a practice going on IRF.
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