Rules Violations

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Rules Violations

Post by fireman79 »

Hey all just wanted to throw my opinion out about the race at Lowes. We had an incident where a driver was ticked off and continued un needed chatter for quite a while. That was very distracting to some if not all the other drivers. There is a time and place to make your complaint heard and that was not it. It was also a clear violation of the rules. I am also sure that Wire would never do anything to intentionally take out another driver. He is clean. I myself was running in the top 2 for a long time and was taken out (unintentionally) by Lepage. I knew there had to be an explanation, and there was........his wheel came unconnected from his desk. lol!! I was very dissapointed in settling for a ninth but it was one of those things that could not be helped. So, I just want to say in closing that we need to respect one another and the rules.:ezboardhappy: Thanks, Fire 79 P.S.Congrats AlaRedBone on the WIN
Skoty Speed

Re: Rules Violations

Post by Skoty Speed »

Is Lepage using that "Oh my wheel came off my desk" excuse again?..........:ezboardroll::ezboardroll::ezboardroll:

Re: Rules Violations

Post by fireman79 »

YES!! Is that an old one??? Dang it.......... I was contending up front when it happened. He was on the pit apron between 3 & 4. I was racing by when he came right up onto the track. I am gonna have to remember that excuse lol

Re: Rules Violations

Post by lepage71 »

Yea...its hard to come up with a good excuse for driving straight on to the apron turn at full speed without


Post by WireNut »

leapage u cause a wreck too, it got me & fireman...did not see 10 points takin a way from u ? i did nothing wrong in that race...but run out gas....thats is it for me i quite,had fun till now....later ..comp., i did wreck u in the Winston because u ram me in the wall for no reson, so u can kiss my a** !!!


Post by CatCatch22 »


Re: O-well

Post by lepage71 »

Obviously this game has driven people to do act unreasonably and if that is the case, than it is best if that driver leave. As for my case, I have driven clean all year and this is the first time I have ever caused damage to anyone this ENTIRE year. In addition, if you watch the replay, it is obvious that I lost control of my steering because I simply flew off of the apron and went straight on the track without even trying to turn.

We also penalize according to the situation. All of the 10-point penalties we hand out are because there was a wreck that could have been avoided if a driver made a better decision. This includes things like diving below a guy too aggressively in a turn, making an illegal pit, etc. My pit was completely legal, and then my car just went straight for no reason. This was NOT an avoidable incident, I did not make a decision that proved dangerous, I lost control because of an outside circumstance.

This is also why whenever a guy hits the apron and flies up off of the track, damaging others, we DO NOT penalize them. (WireNut you did this, lap 5 or 6, truck race #3 at Michigan, you totalled Verm, but he was very nice and did not complain). No penalty was given. This is exactly the same situation that I was in, a "racing mistake" or too be more precise a detached steering wheel. Next time I will duct tape my wheel to my desk to be safer I guess (man that stuff comes in handy).

This was real disappointing to see drivers get frustrated with eachother like this. Not once did anyone mention to an administrator that there was a problem between drivers. Instead, the drivers took it to the track and tried to settle it there. I am probably the youngest driver here yet I feel like the oldest seeing how unreasonable certain people (adults!)can be when they are angry. We race to have fun, to make jokes at Fred, and to have a good time on the track.

This has been a great season! I feel that if drivers are this worked up about these kind of things then they are just shooting themselves in the foot. If you feel that you are treated unfairly in this league, than I suggest that driver end his league-racing career, because we are not unreasonable people and there are no other leagues as well prepared, have better drivers, or have better people than this one. If a driver cannot get along with others here, then they will not get along with drivers in any other league.

However, we have seen alot of things over the years and you can never rule anything out. You will either have to apologize to all of our drivers for this outrage, or you will have to bow out for good. Thank You

Edited by: lepage71 at: 5/28/03 9:47:58 pm

Re: O-well

Post by fireman79 »

hey wire, wish you would reconsider. lepage is right, if someone hits you, you should not take it to the track, you should let admins know. this is the best run league out there and i think you know that. also, when your car started to run out of gas, you should have gotten off the track to the apron.
anyway, i have enjoyed racing with you and hope you choose to stay. :ezboardohwell: :ezboardpimp:

Rules Violations

Post by Viagra6Car »

guess catch was right about all of this. pat yourself on the back for that 22, it's a rare thing with you

why is everyone always so unhappy? too bad the league doesn't consist of about 30 of me eh?...:ezboardlaugh:

Edited by: Viagra6Car at: 5/29/03 2:20:20 pm

Re: Rules Violations

Post by fatfreddy17 »

I can think of quite a few incidents where a car lost control, for whatever reason, wrecked someone else, and there was no penalty. Most recently was when Verm lost it on the front stretch at Lowe's, he tried to regain control on the grass, and make turn 1, well, he didn't recover, he slid up the track and slammed Freddy. There was nothing I could do. I was not happy, but I understand it happens, it did not make sense to me to complain about an accident, I limped around until I was within my pit window.

The accidents are unavoidable, it's the intentional wrecks that we try to curtail. Some incidents are not easy to cipher out.

If at any time any driver wants an incident reviewed, let an administrator know about it. If at any time a driver feels he has been treated ( or penalized ) unfairly, let an administrator know about it.

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