Gave um hell Grove

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Gave um hell Grove

Post by Haulinace007 »

Got lucky more then a few times.. but gave um hell. If you need me to sub for ya anymore and my schedule is open I would be glad to do it for ya. I love the Cup series and the drivers in it. Tough racin guys!! ACE


Post by EagleKeeper »

NOOOOOO More subbing for you ACE007...... us Cup guys don't like getting beat by you little Busch Wackers It's downright embarrassing
lol....... lol......... lol

Re: Gave um hell Grove

Post by grovet »

See email I sent you before this post're in Eat your heart out Tommy
TommyW 21 and 28

Re: Gave um hell Grove

Post by TommyW 21 and 28 »

Let him sub for ya at New Hampshire and see what place he gets ya.


#21 Air Force Taurus
#28 Havoline Ram

Freddy Points

Post by Proverb356 »

Just a note to say that I am dissapointed with Freddy not being credited with 6th place (or at least 6th place worth of points). I don't know what anyone's replay showed, but it seemed clear that no one was going to pass me with roughly 1.5 seconds to the finish line.

I understand that I "technically" disconnected (for whatever reason), but "factually" (had I not disconnected), 6th was clearly the proper finishing spot and points that should be credited to Freddy.

I can understand if there was one full lap to go, as I could have wrecked or something, but it was only more like 1 second to go and I could have let go of the wheel and secured that position.

Not to take shots at anyone who gained a position, but I wouldn't feel right pushing Freddy 3 positions back when I know I wouldn't have caught the 6th place car with 1 sec left before a disconnect. Technically I was a disconnect, but I think everyone knows I earned 6th place for Freddy. I think anyone who would despute that was probably behind me and trying to gain a few easy points that should be credited to Freddy.

If anyone can convince me that they would have passed me (without a disconnect) with 1 or 1.5 seconds left, I will be plenty satisified with 9th. Otherwise, I think a little justice is in order.

Either way, it is only about 12 points. Not a big deal. It is just the principal of the matter.

Someone Let me Sub

Post by Haulinace007 »

When it does come time to race New Hampshire and someone needs a sub please pick me, I love a good challenge. Makes racing that much more fun....

i thought we were

Post by EagleKeeper »

i thought we decided to give freddy the position? oh well.
Skoty Speed

Re: i thought we were

Post by Skoty Speed »

I guess we should of explained how we scored the finishing order. We didn't feel it would be fair to credit Prov for lap 67 as both of our replays showed him being dropped in turn 2.He said he was almost to the finish line, and I don't doubt that. Quite often when someone gets disconnected there game will run another lap or 2 before crashing.

The only way to know for sure when Prov was dropped is from the host replay. Since we now use a dedicated server we don't have a host replay to go by. If anyone's replay shows
different please let us know.

Sorry for not explaining that sooner.


Re: i thought we were

Post by sledge4 »

You can't go by "should" have been 6th. People disconnect all the time. Yes, would have been 6th, but what about anyone else that disconnects? Are we gonna get into fortune telling business and assume that a "dool" would have finished X position if he disconnected at the mid way point? Or is it just because it was the last lap?

Is there a lap limitation we should put on this as to when we can decide what position a "dool" would have finished? What if you disconnected just after the S/F at the beginning of the last lap? Should it be assumed you would have made it around the track in the same position?

Harvick ran out of gas with a couple laps to go on Sunday, they didn't assume he would have finished 2nd if didn't run out.

It's a tough break, and I agree with the admins choice to a point, I do think that everyone should have been credited 1 position from 7th on, because according to the results file, I see proverb in last place.

Just my $.17, lol.


I'm no swindler!

Post by Proverb356 »

Don't take what I said out of context or to extremes please Sledge4. I said that "I would understand had there been one lap left"... My point is that I was 1 second from the start finish line on my PC. I made sure to ask "if Anyone else's replay showed different" and I would be content.

You are completely taking me out of context and treating my like I am whining for something I didn't earn. I don't do that.

Read what I said. I don't think it was in a bad spirit or trying to SWINDLE anyone out of points. I just thought it was kind of obvious that I had 6th place in the bag being roughly 1 second from the line.

I am not challenging the admins, but I was suprised to see the results showing Freddy credited with 9th place. Before I left the server after the race, a lot of guys thought it was fine giving me 6th. Again, I was surprised and thought I would discuss my disappointment. It is just a judgement call and I respect the admins decision. I am just expressing my thoughts on the situation.

Please don't treat me like I am the type of guy to win the pole, disconnect on lap #1 and say I should be the winner because I was in the lead when I disconnected. That is just way out of context and annoying when I am simply trying to differ in opinion like an adult.

I am not asking anyone to be prophetic for 67 laps of a race. Just consider my point in context (1 sec vs. full laps) and offer me an explanation and I will be fine.

BTW, Thanks for the explination Skoty .


Re: Gave um hell Grove

Post by lepage71 »

Our decision was made to be consistent with how we have scored things in the past. If on Skoty's or my replay you were literally right at the line we would have given you the position. However, half a lap back is too far.

We have had other disconnects on last laps and have not give them the position.

And camry no one deserves +1 position. Proverb made it to the last lap but was disconnected. That would put him in 9th place, the first car one lap down with 66 laps completed. His disonnect had no positional impact on anyone 10th place on back.

I like the terms though...swindler?

You have been taking lessons from Freddy!

Re: Gave um hell Grove

Post by sledge4 »

Nah, i don't think your whining, your just being a racer. And trying to get what you think you should, i have no problem with that.

Hey you could have been in my spot and get 'comped' by a 'comping dool' and have no chance at a good run after 4 laps.

The questioning was directed at the admins to find out how the scoring worked and will work in the future. If this has happened before, then i think it should be addressed in the rules so there's no confusion going forward.

See you guys at Atlanta.



Re: Gave um hell Grove

Post by fireman79 »

my replay shows the same lepage. he disconnected in middle of 1 and 2.
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