Son-of-a-Koo Koo!!!

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Son-of-a-Koo Koo!!!

Post by EagleKeeper »

Holy Smokes ...... I think I just realized that I have never ran Texas on 4X wear b-4 I have always loved that track and thought that I was "One-Fast-Mutha-Honk Honk" there..... but, like I said..... I guess that was back in the 2X wear days..... because now (on 4X) if I aint running out of fuel.... I'm blowing a tire I was really excited about my chances @ Texas.... but with the setup I have... I'm junk on 4X I guess this means back to the drawing board for me can anyone make the 21 or 28 lap mark on tires/fuel? I can barely make 14

Re: Son-of-a-Koo Koo!!!

Post by lepage71 »

17 laps is good.

Edited by: lepage71 at: 4/1/04 6:48 pm

Re: Son-of-a-Koo Koo!!!

Post by EagleKeeper »

OK i may be able to handle 17 laps. for a bit there.... I was thinking 21 was going to be the number to reach...... and thought i was way way off. feel better now
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