nice job bov

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nice job bov

Post by efgordon »

good job with that summary


Re: nice job bov

Post by bover907 »


Re: nice job bov

Post by d3efan »

I never hit the wall. Wish I had then I'd have an excuse lol.

"Veritas Verundi"

Latin for: "what you talkin' 'bout Willis!"

lmao! good write-up man.

Re: nice job bov

Post by bover907 »

Oh, sorry D3. On my replay, it looked you kissed the wall. Not much but just a little bit. In fact, I was watching the leader on that lap, heard a crunch, so I went thru all the cars on that lap to see who hit something LOL. If you didn't hit the wall, you certainly scared the heck out of it!

Re: nice job bov

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Thank you Bover . It's so fun to "relive" the race from someone else's perspective. Now if only you could get it done within 24 hours of the race. Something to shoot for

BBFF member

i will "get-er-done"

Post by EagleKeeper »

speaking of getting the race summary done within 24 hours...... i will write the busch recap sunday night after the race...... so all who want to email mepost race comments... plz do so sunday after the Lowes race.
thanks EK

Re: i will "get-er-done"

Post by bover907 »

I actually had the writeup done two hours after the race ended. I was waiting for 'post race interviews', but people like Eagle Keeper said "Later guys" and split in a huff. LOL That's why I put the declined interviews stuff in there EK. I could just do the write up, and then people that want to send post race comments, can send them seperately. but I kinda think it's neat having them in the summary like that.

You can wait until Monday night Rook! LOL

Edited by: bover907 at: 3/16/05 2:52 pm
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