Hello guys I just want to say I have seen this league fold up 1 time allready and Duckman myself and madlux kept it going till lepage took over and it was from people wrecking each other not giving room to each other. So please be patient with each other give room and DONT RAMM someone out of your way if i see a car catch me i will move over unless we are on last couple of laps why block and get wrecked? if a car catches you easily let them go maybe they will do it for you later in race? if you are wrecked go to pitts dont circle track and wreck others! and this REVENGE stuff doesnt cutt it accidents happen i have got mad too butt this is a game and will be more fun if we can all stay friends and enjoy it EVERY WEEK!!! so dont race and act like we are racing for reall money lets try to get along and enjoy this game and if you are the type that doesnt play well with other please leave and race somewhere else so the rest of us can have fun!!!! ALSO I WOULD LIKE TO THANK LEPAGE FOR ALL HIS WORK TO KEEP THIS LEAGUE GOING
and I will share my exact set ups i will run just like i think lepage does. so i hope to see a calm cool group for the next race please Thank you