Q- Vegas

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Q- Vegas

Post by fatfreddy17 »

OK, boyzzzz, we are gonna have to qualify for Vegas, I am curious to see what Q times I ( we ) need to shoot for. I would like anyone, and everyone to post what kind of Q you can do. I don't need your IRF time, or your race time,, just plain and simple what you can do in 1 lap, cold tires, and no BS ( when the green flag drops, the BS stops! ). Today I did a 32.0 with my old Q setup, I am thinking a 31.8 gonna happen.


Q- Vegas

Post by CatCatch22 »

Best I can do is 32.4something

Re: Q- Vegas

Post by grovehardt »

Oh quit braggin! LOL I'm working on it just to make the field here. One of my worst tracks. I'd like to know how many laps others are running in a set. :ezboardtongue:

Vegas Qualify times for Eagle

Post by EagleKeeper »

I'm glad you guys put this "Q" item up. I was also curious about what it would take to gain entry into the Cup race @ Vegas. As for my times right now.... I ran some "one-lap-cold-tire-runs", and was able to post primarily 32.2's consistantly. I posted one "fluke" 32.102, but my setup is loose as all hell0. so, unless i tweek, i'm sure tire wear will be the end on me, (if not a "spin-out" or two). I plan on working on my set-up this week, and will probably get it around 31.9 .... if i'm lucky. That's "Q"-setup only. My race setup will probably be slower. cya @ the track, Eagle

Re: Vegas Qualify times for Eagle

Post by lepage71 »

One thing I found out about practicing this track last year is that a loose car really is the way to go. If your car gets tight here that can cause you some major problems. The loose aspect that you want to avoid is loose off, since the entire front straightaway is a curve. But loose in really helps you cut down the angles in the turns here. If you are really tight you will have quite a hard time taking the turns in the later runs. So make sure you don't get it too snug.

Edited by: lepage71 at: 2/25/03 6:24:10 am

more testing >>>

Post by EagleKeeper »

ok.... got my Q time to a 32.025 so far. I also ran a "pit-window-test", and found that on lap 1 i ran a 32.050, by lap 9- I was showing tire wear bad. By lap 15 my rt front was red, my rt rear was orange, and my left front and left rear were yellow.... and my low fuel light came on. i somehow managed to keep it out of the wall. but, my lap 15 time had fallen off to 34.252. I ran a 16th lap, and then tried a 17th lap..... but I ran out of fuel on the 17th lap. so... i'm thinking I will be pitting every 15-16 laps. (if I make the Q cut-off) that is all. later, Eagle

Q- Vegas

Post by fatfreddy17 »

oops, hit a 38.7 in Q, ,now just to duplicate that lap,, hehehehe,, HAHAHA,, doh!! what did I do?

Re: Q- Vegas

Post by Parsons08 »

run just that lap. Save replay and copy and paste for the rest of the race. LOL :ezboardroll:

Re: Q- Vegas

Post by lepage71 »

Guess that's why we call him Back Row Fred.
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