Refresh my memory

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Refresh my memory

Post by fatfreddy17 »

It has been SOOOO long since I have been able to finish a race, will someone please tell me,, what does it mean when the little man in the stand waves a white flag at me? Is he trying to surrender his twinkies to me? I sure hope so, 'cause then I will hurry up and try to be there when he surrenders those twinkies!


Re: Refresh my memory

Post by lepage71 »

I thought your name was Back Row Fred...?

Re: Refresh my memory

Post by fatfreddy17 »

Well,, hmmmm ,,,,, one lap makes all the difference, just which lap,, 1 or 125 or both?? I AM greedy,, I WANT IT ALL!

SPEEEDY FRED:ezboardmad:
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